I have a 19 year old , not going to school full time , but working , also facing incarseration , we have no real relationship unless he asking for stuff, can I now file to stop support and get on with my life
"For separating spouses who are legally married, the Divorce Act tells us the definition of a child, specifically what is defined as the child of the marriage. A child of the marriage means a child of 2 spouses or former spouses, who is (a) under the age of majority, being 18 years of age, and still lives with or is under the control of the custodial spouse, or (b) is 18 years of age or over who has not become independent as result of illness, disability or other cause."
No if hes not in school full time then support is not owed. If he is working full time then no as well.
Are you with a maintenance organization? (IE FRO in Ontario?)
If yes, you need to call them to have a form sent to mom about child not being in school. I cant access the site at the moment but they have a form you send in.
If you are with FRO. the application is online.
It's called "Application to Discontinue Enforcement of Ongoing Support"
Just google it and it's a fillable form.
You fill it out and send it to FRO.
They then contact your ex and support stops.
If you are not with an enforcement agency, then just stop paying and inform your ex why you have stopped paying.