I tried to get my ex to provide with T4's and NOA from the past three years. He seems to be ignoring me. Today I emailed his lawyer, I will no longer be using one. I had gone into a lot of debt with lawyers in past years. His response to me was "duly ignored". What the heck? I know he and my ex had words, maybe one fired the other; my ex had fired three of his prior lawyers. Anyhow, what does that mean exactly, "duly ignored."?
What do I do next? What forms do I fill out, does anyone know their numbers? I am in Ontario.
I am trying to get back child support and child support going forward. Someone said that one can not request arrear supports? I use to get support, then our teens went to live with x for a year. However, I was only making 10 K for that year prior and he had not asked for any income. I am still fine paying him monies I owe him for that time. However, I have had teens back for a couple years now and I need support financially. I am the only parent supporting them (no partner). I have to thank GOD I am now making more income then a couple years past when I graduated from College three years back, but my income alone is still not making ends meet, bus passes, food, clothing, cell phones etc.
Any support with which forms? Thoughts etc?
Thank you so much.
I tried to get my ex to provide with T4's and NOA from the past three years. He seems to be ignoring me. Today I emailed his lawyer, I will no longer be using one. I had gone into a lot of debt with lawyers in past years. His response to me was "duly ignored". What the heck? I know he and my ex had words, maybe one fired the other; my ex had fired three of his prior lawyers. Anyhow, what does that mean exactly, "duly ignored."?
What do I do next? What forms do I fill out, does anyone know their numbers? I am in Ontario.
I am trying to get back child support and child support going forward. Someone said that one can not request arrear supports? I use to get support, then our teens went to live with x for a year. However, I was only making 10 K for that year prior and he had not asked for any income. I am still fine paying him monies I owe him for that time. However, I have had teens back for a couple years now and I need support financially. I am the only parent supporting them (no partner). I have to thank GOD I am now making more income then a couple years past when I graduated from College three years back, but my income alone is still not making ends meet, bus passes, food, clothing, cell phones etc.
Any support with which forms? Thoughts etc?
Thank you so much.