Day of separation Sept 1 of marriage Sept 2013
2 kids 7 and 5 in school full-time
I have kids Fri after school until Monday am (non prejudcie 60 40 split...but that's a different story)
Ex worked as a nurse until May 2016 at hospital. Did a short term stint at her parents factory in 2017 in the office. Also worked for my medical practice doing small odds and ends and relaying phone calls to me for telehealth until Sept 1 2018.
She has not worked since. To go back to patient care she may or may not need to do some refresher courses...or alternatively work in a non traditional setting as a nurse (wsib, odsp)
In a February 2019 affadavit she indicated that she would need to do some retraining...ten months later nothing. Every weekend is spent shopping and partying.
Nurses have to renew licence annually by Dec 31. On Dec 31 she downgraded her liscence to a non-practicing nurse. Basically she cannot be employed as a nurse now. This is reserved for nurses who are not and do not plan on practicing for 3 years (right on the college of nursing website). To work again as a nurse, she would have to be reinstated which is a process in itself.
It seems this was voluntary and has really affected her ability to work as an RN. Thoughts on how anyone would handle this or what to expect?
2 kids 7 and 5 in school full-time
I have kids Fri after school until Monday am (non prejudcie 60 40 split...but that's a different story)
Ex worked as a nurse until May 2016 at hospital. Did a short term stint at her parents factory in 2017 in the office. Also worked for my medical practice doing small odds and ends and relaying phone calls to me for telehealth until Sept 1 2018.
She has not worked since. To go back to patient care she may or may not need to do some refresher courses...or alternatively work in a non traditional setting as a nurse (wsib, odsp)
In a February 2019 affadavit she indicated that she would need to do some retraining...ten months later nothing. Every weekend is spent shopping and partying.
Nurses have to renew licence annually by Dec 31. On Dec 31 she downgraded her liscence to a non-practicing nurse. Basically she cannot be employed as a nurse now. This is reserved for nurses who are not and do not plan on practicing for 3 years (right on the college of nursing website). To work again as a nurse, she would have to be reinstated which is a process in itself.
It seems this was voluntary and has really affected her ability to work as an RN. Thoughts on how anyone would handle this or what to expect?