What I did when I was self rep and needed an urgent motion for a financial matter, is I went to the court, spoke to the ladies at the trial co-ordinators office and they gave me a court date. Then I served my ex and his lawyer.
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How do I go about starting an urgent motion?
To clarify there are two types of motions:
1. Urgent with notice.
2. Urgent without notice (ex-parte).
Often people refer to #2 the Urgent motion ex-party as an "emergency motion".
Basically what you are seeking is #1. But, you will have a hard time as it appears you have waited 14 months to act on your file which as brought on this urgent motion. You are responsible to move your matter forward. Even as a self-rep. As a self-rep, you are expected to know the law and process as well as a lawyer. This is why 99% of people should not self rep.
Thank you for the links and the explanation. I waited 14 months for good valid reasons, waiting for his disclosure and building my own evidence.
So when I called the court and asked for the date, I was told they only give dates for regular motions. For an urgent motion I have to come in the morning on Tuesday or Thursday when they hear procedural motions and then get permission to get an expedited date, this is in Ottawa. does this sound correct? And for procedural motions when does the respondent need to be served? - Also 6 days before the motion? This is where I’m lost in this process and would appreciate some insight.