I purchased for my child, who is now 18 a laptop 2 years ago for Christmas. It was a decent laptop at the time and would still be a good fit for post-secondary. However, she has said that she broke it and the other parent is saying I need to contribute 75% for a new one.
Also, she is not registered yet (as far as I know). She registered last January, attended for less than a month and went to rehab for 4 months. Half the summer was rehab and she recently finished another program and seems to finally be on track.
If she were to register before she turns 19, and the other parent informs the enforcement agency, am I obligated to pay for an entire year if she drops out again after a short time? How do I find out if she is actually attending the entire semester. Child is very loyal to the other parent and although our relationship is in-tact we are many provinces apart and she would feel as though she is letting her mother down if she told me she wasn't in school. I didn't find out she wasn't in school last year until end of April when I asked if the tuition etc was going to be forwarded so I could get the RESP paperwork started.
Also, she is not registered yet (as far as I know). She registered last January, attended for less than a month and went to rehab for 4 months. Half the summer was rehab and she recently finished another program and seems to finally be on track.
If she were to register before she turns 19, and the other parent informs the enforcement agency, am I obligated to pay for an entire year if she drops out again after a short time? How do I find out if she is actually attending the entire semester. Child is very loyal to the other parent and although our relationship is in-tact we are many provinces apart and she would feel as though she is letting her mother down if she told me she wasn't in school. I didn't find out she wasn't in school last year until end of April when I asked if the tuition etc was going to be forwarded so I could get the RESP paperwork started.