My ex and I entered into a separation agreement 7 years ago with joint custody of our 2 children. The child support was not standard – it said that I would put $2400 into RESP and $720 would be spent on child’s clothing. The total amount was equivalent to the table amounts at the time for the difference in income. It also had a provision for special expenses and gave some examples. It also said wecould ask for income information no more than 1 per year and any disputes would go to mediation if we could not agree. He had a lawyer review the agreement and he agreed.
The main reason for the clause was that, even though the time was split between us, I took care of most of the kids needs (i.e. appointments,buying clothes, haircuts, scheduling activities, etc) and my ex has a lot of difficulty with organization and money. The agreement also had me with the kids 4 days a week and my ex had 3, but he has never followed that and so, we are currently 50/50.
He now wants to update the child support and the table amount is now about $7,000. Neither of us have gotten promotions and we work for the same company - so it must have been performance related. He also had not filed his taxes for a few years, so he didn't have his income information until now. Within a week of getting this information, I have agreed to meeting and agreed to updating the child support but want to discuss what the update should be and get any changes formally updated in the agreement. He is instead now threatening me that he is going to FRO unless I pay him $4,000 immediately without updating the written agreement. While my ex and I used to be able to work issues out in the past, his new partner is high conflict and is definitely more about the money than the kids.
What can I do to protect myself - I want to update the agreement without being threatened? Can everyday expenses be factored in when updating the offset amount if they are disproportionate? Shouldn't we go to a mediator if it is unsettled? What about RESPs?
I appreciate the help!
The main reason for the clause was that, even though the time was split between us, I took care of most of the kids needs (i.e. appointments,buying clothes, haircuts, scheduling activities, etc) and my ex has a lot of difficulty with organization and money. The agreement also had me with the kids 4 days a week and my ex had 3, but he has never followed that and so, we are currently 50/50.
He now wants to update the child support and the table amount is now about $7,000. Neither of us have gotten promotions and we work for the same company - so it must have been performance related. He also had not filed his taxes for a few years, so he didn't have his income information until now. Within a week of getting this information, I have agreed to meeting and agreed to updating the child support but want to discuss what the update should be and get any changes formally updated in the agreement. He is instead now threatening me that he is going to FRO unless I pay him $4,000 immediately without updating the written agreement. While my ex and I used to be able to work issues out in the past, his new partner is high conflict and is definitely more about the money than the kids.
What can I do to protect myself - I want to update the agreement without being threatened? Can everyday expenses be factored in when updating the offset amount if they are disproportionate? Shouldn't we go to a mediator if it is unsettled? What about RESPs?
I appreciate the help!