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How do I enforce financial disclosure?

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  • How do I enforce financial disclosure?

    Hi everyone,
    Wondering how I would get the court to enforce my ex's obligation to disclose her financial information? We have a final court order.

    She received a retroactive raise and it's court ordered that she change the support amounts and disclose the details of her back pay but she has stonewalled it for 4 months at this point.

    If she wants to go back to court, should I filing a 14B or be filing a motion on contempt?

  • #2
    You should file a form 20 request for disclosure. If she fails to respond within a period of time you file a motion to get disclosure.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rockscan View Post
      You should file a form 20 request for disclosure. If she fails to respond within a period of time you file a motion to get disclosure.
      Thanks rockscan! Can this be made even though there is a final order?

      My ex was ordered to disclose information about a retroactive payout which will vary support but is refusing to follow the Court Order.


      • #4
        Hmmm if it was in the order then it may be contempt but I thought that was different. Maybe google contempt and financial disclosure for the province youre in.


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