I went to my motion today, requesting section 7 expenses.
They were not addressed at my uncontested trial, although they were requested on my application. I also requested my Respondent to add my daughter to workplace benefits, an order for disclosure (he's never disclosed anything or provided financials), life insurance clause from order not obtained, included an exhibit for a portion of his undisclosed income (multiple sources, public info found) etc.
My section 7 expenses are in relation to surgery to be performed on August 1. I included the number of calculated hours of child care needed for six weeks (12 hours per day, six weeks, doctor's note included with motion verifying this),, the total dollar value requested ($4000), etc.
My motion was adjourned today, to allow my respondent to obtain a lawyer for an August 9 date.
I am nervous of costs being ordered against me, although I am not sure how they can be. Maybe because my request in $ value for section 7 in the 6 weeks after my surgery might change (I could heal quicker, etc). Or because I was giving educated guesses in regards to my payors income that may not be down to the dollar accurate (relying on some real estate tribunal board decisions stating his most recent profits, not necessarily collected, just ordered, a letter from his publisher on his book sales for a textbook he wrote including distribution numbers, my respondent did provide me with his most recent T4 so that has increased vs the older one he previously gave me).
What should I do to be prepared, to address the section 7 expenses? As my surgery will have already been performed, should I begin to collect receipts for the care, babysitter, etc provided?
I apologize if this reads slightly unclear. I tried to provide as much facts as possible...
They were not addressed at my uncontested trial, although they were requested on my application. I also requested my Respondent to add my daughter to workplace benefits, an order for disclosure (he's never disclosed anything or provided financials), life insurance clause from order not obtained, included an exhibit for a portion of his undisclosed income (multiple sources, public info found) etc.
My section 7 expenses are in relation to surgery to be performed on August 1. I included the number of calculated hours of child care needed for six weeks (12 hours per day, six weeks, doctor's note included with motion verifying this),, the total dollar value requested ($4000), etc.
My motion was adjourned today, to allow my respondent to obtain a lawyer for an August 9 date.
I am nervous of costs being ordered against me, although I am not sure how they can be. Maybe because my request in $ value for section 7 in the 6 weeks after my surgery might change (I could heal quicker, etc). Or because I was giving educated guesses in regards to my payors income that may not be down to the dollar accurate (relying on some real estate tribunal board decisions stating his most recent profits, not necessarily collected, just ordered, a letter from his publisher on his book sales for a textbook he wrote including distribution numbers, my respondent did provide me with his most recent T4 so that has increased vs the older one he previously gave me).
What should I do to be prepared, to address the section 7 expenses? As my surgery will have already been performed, should I begin to collect receipts for the care, babysitter, etc provided?
I apologize if this reads slightly unclear. I tried to provide as much facts as possible...