Here is the scenario:
Should these lessons and fees be considered Section 7 if specifically for this program and so the child does not damage her vocal chords?
I have asked for assistance to which he responded that he has paid enough child support during the past 10 years. I've asked for him to reconsider his position with no response. Looking for insight and/or recommendations?
- Sole custody of child for past year.
- Father moved 4 hours away without notice. Will not disclose his address.
Has phone call with child (initiated by child) 4 x a yr. He was aware of her wish to attend this specialty high school. - Child auditioned for vocal arts program. Very talented and currently wishes to pursue in future.
- Child was successfully accepted into the specialty arts program.
- The school has an annual fee of $250 and states that lessons with a private coach is strongly recommended so that students do not damage their vocal chords.
- He pays $300 a month in cs, and 41% of Sec 7 - will not pay anything more than court ordered march break and summer camp costs. Has not seen his child since 2015. Birthdays and Christmas come and go.
Should these lessons and fees be considered Section 7 if specifically for this program and so the child does not damage her vocal chords?
I have asked for assistance to which he responded that he has paid enough child support during the past 10 years. I've asked for him to reconsider his position with no response. Looking for insight and/or recommendations?