This is a two part question on behalf of a new poster that is unable to post just yet:
1 - Background:
50-50 arrangement, offset child support being calculated. One spouse (Spouse A) has recently started a new job a few months ago after quitting previous job last year.
Question:What amount should be used as spouse A's income to calculate CS for the remainder of this year?
50-50 arrangement, offset child support being calculated. One spouse (Spouse A) has recently started a new job a few months ago after quitting previous job last year.
Question:What amount should be used as spouse A's income to calculate CS for the remainder of this year?
2 - Background:
Spouse A's parent has lived with the couple for 5+ years and has provided childcare for the children, even while the Spouse A was at home. Spouse A has moved out and their parent has moved out with them, Childcare is still being provided for the children at both homes from their grandparent. Spouse A is now saying support will need to be paid to their parent as well because they also moved out. Spouse B has no problem paying the grandparent for childcare services at their home, or finding another caregiver in their home that does not complicate family issues.
Question: Is there any way Spouse B could somehow end up on the hook to support Spouse A's parent in this scenario?
Spouse A's parent has lived with the couple for 5+ years and has provided childcare for the children, even while the Spouse A was at home. Spouse A has moved out and their parent has moved out with them, Childcare is still being provided for the children at both homes from their grandparent. Spouse A is now saying support will need to be paid to their parent as well because they also moved out. Spouse B has no problem paying the grandparent for childcare services at their home, or finding another caregiver in their home that does not complicate family issues.
Question: Is there any way Spouse B could somehow end up on the hook to support Spouse A's parent in this scenario?