I will try to keep this as brief as possible but will give a bit of history as I am new here.
Married 24 years....2 adult children......stay at home mom.......ex's income $95,000 plus bonus annually.
March 25/04.........I leave hubby and move out on my own
April 04.......I move in with a roommate
May 04.....File application for spousal support and was awarded $2000.00 per month indefinately with no stipulation other than it may be reviewed if the circumstances of either party changes
Dec 04......no circumstances have changed but ex wants a review, his lawyer tells him to leave it alone as there is no reason for review and he could be sorry as he was not paying the full amount he could be paying if it went back to court
July 05.....ex wants another review because I am now seeing another man.......other man has his own house.....does not live with me.......ex is once again told to leave it alone by his legal council.....ex threatens to sue me for all payments made back to May 04
July 05.......I get tired of his crap and apply with maintenance enforcement as ex is habitually late with payments....sometimes as long as a month or more
Sept 06......due to a reorganization in ex's workplace, he looses his job. Ex files application to have spousal support cancelled. Application is denied as ex is still receiving income from former employer until Jan 07.
Jan 07.....Ex has now refiled to have spousal support cancelled. Ex has not found other employment other than he has invested 35,000 in a coffee vending machine business. He says he cannot gain employment due to the fact he is 52 years of age and is seeking a high level management position. He also has other skills
Ex's net worth is $500,000.00. He owns two rental properties plus the house he resides in. He has remarried and his spouse has an income of approx. $70,000. He is supporting his new wife's two adult children who are not paying room and board to live with them. These two children are currently unemployed.
What are my rights? What are my chances of loosing my support? I am a student, trying to upgrade my education to gain a higher earning potential and at the moment am living in a community of 1300 people where the most I can make at a job here in town is $7.00/hr...max 20 hrs per week. My schooling will allow me to run a home accounting business which there is great demand for in a farming community.
Any ideas or comments???? Please let me know if there are any other questions.
Married 24 years....2 adult children......stay at home mom.......ex's income $95,000 plus bonus annually.
March 25/04.........I leave hubby and move out on my own
April 04.......I move in with a roommate
May 04.....File application for spousal support and was awarded $2000.00 per month indefinately with no stipulation other than it may be reviewed if the circumstances of either party changes
Dec 04......no circumstances have changed but ex wants a review, his lawyer tells him to leave it alone as there is no reason for review and he could be sorry as he was not paying the full amount he could be paying if it went back to court
July 05.....ex wants another review because I am now seeing another man.......other man has his own house.....does not live with me.......ex is once again told to leave it alone by his legal council.....ex threatens to sue me for all payments made back to May 04
July 05.......I get tired of his crap and apply with maintenance enforcement as ex is habitually late with payments....sometimes as long as a month or more
Sept 06......due to a reorganization in ex's workplace, he looses his job. Ex files application to have spousal support cancelled. Application is denied as ex is still receiving income from former employer until Jan 07.
Jan 07.....Ex has now refiled to have spousal support cancelled. Ex has not found other employment other than he has invested 35,000 in a coffee vending machine business. He says he cannot gain employment due to the fact he is 52 years of age and is seeking a high level management position. He also has other skills
Ex's net worth is $500,000.00. He owns two rental properties plus the house he resides in. He has remarried and his spouse has an income of approx. $70,000. He is supporting his new wife's two adult children who are not paying room and board to live with them. These two children are currently unemployed.
What are my rights? What are my chances of loosing my support? I am a student, trying to upgrade my education to gain a higher earning potential and at the moment am living in a community of 1300 people where the most I can make at a job here in town is $7.00/hr...max 20 hrs per week. My schooling will allow me to run a home accounting business which there is great demand for in a farming community.
Any ideas or comments???? Please let me know if there are any other questions.