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University as section 7 (long...sorry)
Actually, if the CHILD decides to go to school the CS payor is on the hook. In reality, the CS recipient might be proportioned their share of post secondary expenses but no one will monitor or enforce that amount. Only the CS payor will be enforced.
Originally posted by Serene View PostIntact families have no obligation to pay for children's post secondary costs. But separated parent's do... think about it for a minute...
Separated parents only have to contribute to post secondary if ONE or BOTH of the parents want (or forces) it.
The same is true for intact families. If just one of the parents decides to use family money to support post secondary, it happens.
There is no difference.
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I dont know why it states that or what part of the law it is but if you google it there are legal sites that also say cs changes if a child goes away. My partners ex makes significantly more than he does so she doesnt have trouble carrying the costs of the house. Both lawyers he spoke to also said off site university means a reduction in child support. But like I said, its in his agreement that cs changes when they go away to school.
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Originally posted by rockscan View PostPartners agreement states cs changes when child goes to school. Lawyer also said that going away means no cs for the months of school. Talk to a lawyer about it and check your agreement.
I can see the logic of reducing CS for all twelve months of the year, to reflect the reduced operating costs of the house and family budget, but it doesn't make sense to turn it on and off like a faucet. Some costs are constant throughout the year to enable the child to have a place to live when school is not in session.
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Originally posted by rockscan View PostLawyer also said that going away means no cs for the months of school.
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Partners agreement states cs changes when child goes to school. Lawyer also said that going away means no cs for the months of school. Talk to a lawyer about it and check your agreement.
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Originally posted by LookingforHelp2014 View PostI'm wondering something, my daughter is about to turn 18 and she lives with her mother. She is going to be attending university starting September, living away from home, and her mother has brought me back to court for S7 (which is fine). The judge wants me to make an offer on what I can afford to contribute to her school and part of the offer I want to give is to provide the child support directly to my daughter as she won't be living at home. Would a judge agree to something like that?
I want to make sure I'm fair and reasonable, but to me it makes more sense to be able to give that money directly to my daughter to help her out then to give it to her mother when she won't be living with her any longer. I just have no idea if something like that is even an option.
If the child stays at home and goes to school, nothing changes.
If the child lives in residence, and you pay your proportionate share of the expense as a s7 expense, you may argue that your c/s should be decreased for the duration of the school year where the child lives on residence. Your reasoning is, you are paying for the child accommodations and food (likely though a meal card), thus paying the ex full c/s would essentially paying for these expenses twice. Your ex will likely have to maintain the house they live in now, as the child won't live at school all year, and thus c/s won't be dropped completely. But it should be reduced to take into consideration that the utilities c/s pays for will decrease. Same goes for food consumption in the ex's house.
There is caselaw on this matter which can be found on Canlii.
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From what I have read this is not the norm. Often it is not allowed in order for the custodial parent to maintain a home for which the child of the marriage stays in during summer, fall break, Christmas break, spring break even though the child is living away from home the majority of the time.
There are cases on CanLii relevant to your situation. You very well might find some cases that support your position and others on this forum might have experience with this.
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It a distinction without a difference. Either way the child will be supported by you to go to school. You are attempting to have the upper hand and gain control of a situation vs looking at what is being asked.
I caution you - this will piss off your ex too. SHE is seeking the money and has taken you to court. Not your daughter.
What will you do if your daughter mismanaged the money and your ex is on the hook and takes you back to court for more money? Over and above what you already gave your kid which I'm willing to bet has no long term history of being able to manage finances.
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I'm wondering something, my daughter is about to turn 18 and she lives with her mother. She is going to be attending university starting September, living away from home, and her mother has brought me back to court for S7 (which is fine). The judge wants me to make an offer on what I can afford to contribute to her school and part of the offer I want to give is to provide the child support directly to my daughter as she won't be living at home. Would a judge agree to something like that?
I want to make sure I'm fair and reasonable, but to me it makes more sense to be able to give that money directly to my daughter to help her out then to give it to her mother when she won't be living with her any longer. I just have no idea if something like that is even an option.
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Originally posted by Serene View PostIntact families have no obligation to pay for children's post secondary costs. But separated parent's do... think about it for a minute...
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Protection for the children's best interests. Once the family breaks up the child of the marriage, through no fault of his/her own, might have to face insurmountable difficulty in obtaining support that the child would normally receive for post education had the marriage stayed intact. With this in mind, laws exist to protect the child of the marriage.
The way I see it it's kind of an insurance policy that keeps everyone's fingers out of the child's education fund.
Just another cost of divorce. Probably pales in comparison to legal fees the parents spend fighting about it though.
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Intact families have no obligation to pay for children's post secondary costs. But separated parent's do... think about it for a minute...
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I understand you don't want to drag your wife into this. However, if things are as tight as you say they are then you should consider providing full financial disclosure for both you and your partner.
Whatever you do make sure your documentation is impeccable. Judges do appreciate having facts, not fiction, in front of them.
Good luck - perhaps someone else on the forum has some other ideas for you.
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