Separated oct 2011, I started paying CS right away, SS quantum was disputed. ex started receiving ontario works.
May 2012: Temporary SS was ordered & CS was adjusted, which resulted in arrears of about ~$3200 or so, mostly for SS as CS was already paid.
at this point FRO kicked in and garnishing started
Sept 2012 ex found a 12/h part time job
Starting october 2012 arrears were gradually being paid off @ $100/m
In March 2013 I was let go, a week or so after the ex quit her job.
my severance package ran out August 2013. until then all CS was paid off and some of SS arrears were also paid off (I dont have the exact amounts ATM but i think about $2000 must be pending)
In Sept 2012 final minutes of settlement were signed and filed with court resulting in
1- over 41% access to me.
2- one lumsum $1000 payment for SS to be made 9 months after I find a job.
3- CS to be reduced due to EI for 6 months to be reviewed in March 2014.
topic offset SC was not discussed because i thought it would be useless since she wasnt working at the time.
final order was not taken out due to applicant's counsel trying to eliminate several clauses. as a result no CS payments were made to FRO (I am also on EI)
beginning Nov 1st 2013 S4 started living with me FT. on Nov 15th new minutes of settlement were filed giving me final sole custody effective that date and access to mother for about 20% of the time with a 15C. financials were not addressed at the time.
ex is now saying that she does not intend to pay CS as she will be
1- a housewife
2- dosnt have a job.
given the ~$2k SS arrears pre Sept 2013 & about $600 in arrears of CS post sept 2013 i offered her to offset these amounts until June 2014 and start paying then, she has verbally agreed but keeps delaying the agreement stating that a "case worker" needs to be assigned to her by the city because she was on OW and cant deal with it until then.
what should i do?
Separated oct 2011, I started paying CS right away, SS quantum was disputed. ex started receiving ontario works.
May 2012: Temporary SS was ordered & CS was adjusted, which resulted in arrears of about ~$3200 or so, mostly for SS as CS was already paid.
at this point FRO kicked in and garnishing started
Sept 2012 ex found a 12/h part time job
Starting october 2012 arrears were gradually being paid off @ $100/m
In March 2013 I was let go, a week or so after the ex quit her job.
my severance package ran out August 2013. until then all CS was paid off and some of SS arrears were also paid off (I dont have the exact amounts ATM but i think about $2000 must be pending)
In Sept 2012 final minutes of settlement were signed and filed with court resulting in
1- over 41% access to me.
2- one lumsum $1000 payment for SS to be made 9 months after I find a job.
3- CS to be reduced due to EI for 6 months to be reviewed in March 2014.
topic offset SC was not discussed because i thought it would be useless since she wasnt working at the time.
final order was not taken out due to applicant's counsel trying to eliminate several clauses. as a result no CS payments were made to FRO (I am also on EI)
beginning Nov 1st 2013 S4 started living with me FT. on Nov 15th new minutes of settlement were filed giving me final sole custody effective that date and access to mother for about 20% of the time with a 15C. financials were not addressed at the time.
ex is now saying that she does not intend to pay CS as she will be
1- a housewife
2- dosnt have a job.
given the ~$2k SS arrears pre Sept 2013 & about $600 in arrears of CS post sept 2013 i offered her to offset these amounts until June 2014 and start paying then, she has verbally agreed but keeps delaying the agreement stating that a "case worker" needs to be assigned to her by the city because she was on OW and cant deal with it until then.
what should i do?