Can my EX get payment for extraordinary expenses (high school trip out of country) I had explained that I could not afford to assist in funding this trip and also that it wasn't part of the curriculum. In addition, high school graduation was just a month afterwards and if I had any funds I would prefer to contribute to the year-end events like Prom, graduation etc.
Even though my ex proceeded with the decision to have him go on the trip against my wishes, he's trying to stick me with half the bill. My financial statement clearly shows that I cannot afford these types of things and in my opinion it was a over priced trip to Disney World. My child has already been on a high school trip out of country in which I gladly assisted and paid half for 2 years ago.
I understand we want to give our children everything but sometimes it isn't within our means.
How does this work? My income is less than 40K. How is this perceived with regards to Section 7 expenses. I am also currently paying for Orthodontics on top of my support which I believe IS a S7 expense, not a trip.
Even though my ex proceeded with the decision to have him go on the trip against my wishes, he's trying to stick me with half the bill. My financial statement clearly shows that I cannot afford these types of things and in my opinion it was a over priced trip to Disney World. My child has already been on a high school trip out of country in which I gladly assisted and paid half for 2 years ago.
I understand we want to give our children everything but sometimes it isn't within our means.
How does this work? My income is less than 40K. How is this perceived with regards to Section 7 expenses. I am also currently paying for Orthodontics on top of my support which I believe IS a S7 expense, not a trip.