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How do I apply to change my CS

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  • FrustratedPartner
    Thanks for clarifying Mess...but something needs to be filed for the court to call case conference, no?

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  • Mess
    Originally posted by FrustratedPartner View Post
    If you are heading into a case conference, this means that some kind of motion(s) have been filed. Who is the Applicant and what kind of motion was filed?
    No motion can be filed until after the first case conference is heard.

    The first case conference being for the trial. After that a motion may be filed, and there would be a case conference for that motion.

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  • FrustratedPartner
    Originally posted by plainNamedDad44 View Post

    I am heading into my first case conference on Sept 26. I have been voluntarily paying CS and SS. I am self employed, so I used my 2012 NOA to set amounts.

    I have just lost my IT Contract, so my income is drastically reduced at this moment. I have provided proof to the other side of me losing my contract.

    Can anyone please tell me what the process is to (temporarily) reduce my CS and SS until I get another IT contract ?

    If you are heading into a case conference, this means that some kind of motion(s) have been filed. Who is the Applicant and what kind of motion was filed?

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  • Rioe
    This drop in income is the perfect time to say you're unable to continue paying SS, and will adjust CS according to table guidelines. You get to stop paying while not looking bad. Then if your income goes up again, adjust the CS, but don't resume SS.

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  • Mess
    Look at it this way: If she isn't entitiled to spousal support, or if you are overpaying the amount, then she is receiving money she isn't entitled to. She is currently budgeting and making plans according to what she is receiving.

    If/when a court decides, according to the facts and the law, that she isn't entitled to this amount, you will have put her into a difficult situation.

    Unless you are ready, willing, and able to maintain her lifestyle indefinately, you are not doing her any favours by paying spousal support right now. You are more of a dick for leading her on.

    You should also not jump to uninformed conclusions about what judge will think of you. You should also not presume that being a dick will deprive you of the right to a fair hearing based on facts.

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  • BitHunter
    Spousal support is almost never the "right" thing. Maybe this is one exception. Before we jump on each others throat, let's hear the whole story.

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  • wretchedotis
    Nothing foolish in doing the 'right' thing.

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  • plainNamedDad44
    Originally posted by NBDad View Post
    Why are you paying SS without a court order?
    Afraid of appearing like a d*ck to a judge. Perhaps foolish of me.

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  • NBDad
    You are paying voluntarily? No current order? If that is the case, you simply notify the other side of your reduction in income, and state that in 30 days the voluntary payments will be reduced to X and Y as per your new income.

    When it goes back up, you do the same.

    Why are you paying SS without a court order?

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  • plainNamedDad44
    started a topic How do I apply to change my CS

    How do I apply to change my CS


    I am heading into my first case conference on Sept 26. I have been voluntarily paying CS and SS. I am self employed, so I used my 2012 NOA to set amounts.

    I have just lost my IT Contract, so my income is drastically reduced at this moment. I have provided proof to the other side of me losing my contract.

    Can anyone please tell me what the process is to (temporarily) reduce my CS and SS until I get another IT contract ?

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