Quick summary:
Have 3 kids for 6 out of 14 days for the last 4 years.
Due to my being in a career transition (not fully employed at the time) and wanting to see the ex and kids settle - I agreed to let her buy another home and call it "primary residence" - words I have grown to loathe.
We agreed that I would pay her at a rate that I thought was VERY generous (1400/mth) given that I also provide energy, food, a good home, etc for 6 out of 14 days. I have been VERY actively parenting since they were infants. I am crazy about my kids. My track record as loving, caring father is not in dispute at all.
However, my income varies from year to year, and I am finding it very difficult to maintain this payment...especially since I also purchase, toys, games, occasional clothing (this is what I assume all my CS goes towards, so I am always asking her to buy new/more clothes...which I rarely receive) for my boys.
So, I sought to lower the payment slightly, and tried to discuss this outside of lawyers...this had a detrimental effect. She sought out a lawyer, and all of a sudden, she comes back asking for financials...fine, I provide them. Then I get hit that she wants to A) try to go for arrears (although she never once asked for a financial review or adjustment higher) and B) try for a full table amount (instead of the one that has been paid for 54 months in a row!) based on my last years income - which just happened to be a good year (130k)
Since she will not enter any discussions around the actual costs each of us have in raising kids - I feel like I am cornered, and I have no choice but to try for a motion for offset amounts. You see, she makes 93k, I have averaged 100k for last 4 years. I provide a loving home for my boys 43% of the nights - why should I be treated so unfairly? I even offered to pay for all of their expenses - and she could just pay her own way in life...she declined - what does that say? This isn't about the cost of the kids...its about her.
My lawyer believes I have an excellent chance of rebuking any arrears...he also says there is a "good" chance that I can get offset, provided I can prove I have had the kids 40% of the time or more. I have painstakingly review my calendar for the past 3 years, and yes, I have had them 41-42% of the time. We rarely move far off our set dates.
What I am looking for here is a little "hope" I suppose? I am so jaded - I feel the legal system is still stuck in the old days, when dads were not as involved as me, or only had the kids every second weekend...I am worried that because I would be the one seeking "change" and I am the male/father, that I could just get a judge who sides with this archaic insanity.
I would very much like to hear from anyone who has successfully done this. Feel free to share a quick summary on here, or send me a direct message. This stress is eating me up inside...I am trying to remain positive, and I have swallowed my resentment and always spoken kindly about the ex and never would let the kids see it....but I am starting to boil over.
I have gone further and further into debt as I try to maintain a decent lifestyle...she has a secure job, strong pension, plenty of equity in a home and makes nearly the same income I do. How can we still be here today? How could she feel she is deserving of a payor/payee situation?
Hope this wasn't too much of a rant - but obviously I don't trust "the system" to see things as logically as I do...it just seems so stacked in mothers/payees favor... :-(
Have 3 kids for 6 out of 14 days for the last 4 years.
Due to my being in a career transition (not fully employed at the time) and wanting to see the ex and kids settle - I agreed to let her buy another home and call it "primary residence" - words I have grown to loathe.
We agreed that I would pay her at a rate that I thought was VERY generous (1400/mth) given that I also provide energy, food, a good home, etc for 6 out of 14 days. I have been VERY actively parenting since they were infants. I am crazy about my kids. My track record as loving, caring father is not in dispute at all.
However, my income varies from year to year, and I am finding it very difficult to maintain this payment...especially since I also purchase, toys, games, occasional clothing (this is what I assume all my CS goes towards, so I am always asking her to buy new/more clothes...which I rarely receive) for my boys.
So, I sought to lower the payment slightly, and tried to discuss this outside of lawyers...this had a detrimental effect. She sought out a lawyer, and all of a sudden, she comes back asking for financials...fine, I provide them. Then I get hit that she wants to A) try to go for arrears (although she never once asked for a financial review or adjustment higher) and B) try for a full table amount (instead of the one that has been paid for 54 months in a row!) based on my last years income - which just happened to be a good year (130k)
Since she will not enter any discussions around the actual costs each of us have in raising kids - I feel like I am cornered, and I have no choice but to try for a motion for offset amounts. You see, she makes 93k, I have averaged 100k for last 4 years. I provide a loving home for my boys 43% of the nights - why should I be treated so unfairly? I even offered to pay for all of their expenses - and she could just pay her own way in life...she declined - what does that say? This isn't about the cost of the kids...its about her.
My lawyer believes I have an excellent chance of rebuking any arrears...he also says there is a "good" chance that I can get offset, provided I can prove I have had the kids 40% of the time or more. I have painstakingly review my calendar for the past 3 years, and yes, I have had them 41-42% of the time. We rarely move far off our set dates.
What I am looking for here is a little "hope" I suppose? I am so jaded - I feel the legal system is still stuck in the old days, when dads were not as involved as me, or only had the kids every second weekend...I am worried that because I would be the one seeking "change" and I am the male/father, that I could just get a judge who sides with this archaic insanity.
I would very much like to hear from anyone who has successfully done this. Feel free to share a quick summary on here, or send me a direct message. This stress is eating me up inside...I am trying to remain positive, and I have swallowed my resentment and always spoken kindly about the ex and never would let the kids see it....but I am starting to boil over.
I have gone further and further into debt as I try to maintain a decent lifestyle...she has a secure job, strong pension, plenty of equity in a home and makes nearly the same income I do. How can we still be here today? How could she feel she is deserving of a payor/payee situation?
Hope this wasn't too much of a rant - but obviously I don't trust "the system" to see things as logically as I do...it just seems so stacked in mothers/payees favor... :-(