After a lengthy custody battle, things will finally get settled soon. However, I now find myself disabled with severe arthritis and a $25K bill from Legal Aid Ontario.
Legal Aid also has a lien against the matrimonial home in the amount of $7K.
As part of the original separation agreement 6 years ago and equalization payments, my ex got the house and I got the debts. After 5 years of paying a consumer proposal, I've been able to clear all those debts and any other liens against the house.
It is the 3rd ticket I open with Legal Aid (thus almost $25,000). They tried to lien the house for the other two tickets, but had to withdraw because of the separation agreement. However, the original ticket is still secured against the house....I guess because it was before the separation agreement?
I have been on Ontario Works since the fall of 2011. Now disabled and still waiting for Disability to respond with an answer, puts me in a negative cash flow situation forcing me to move into something even smaller and rely on the food bank even more.
My question:
Is there a way of getting Legal Aid Ontario to discharge the lien and the debt because of Undue Hardship?
After a lengthy custody battle, things will finally get settled soon. However, I now find myself disabled with severe arthritis and a $25K bill from Legal Aid Ontario.
Legal Aid also has a lien against the matrimonial home in the amount of $7K.
As part of the original separation agreement 6 years ago and equalization payments, my ex got the house and I got the debts. After 5 years of paying a consumer proposal, I've been able to clear all those debts and any other liens against the house.
It is the 3rd ticket I open with Legal Aid (thus almost $25,000). They tried to lien the house for the other two tickets, but had to withdraw because of the separation agreement. However, the original ticket is still secured against the house....I guess because it was before the separation agreement?
I have been on Ontario Works since the fall of 2011. Now disabled and still waiting for Disability to respond with an answer, puts me in a negative cash flow situation forcing me to move into something even smaller and rely on the food bank even more.
My question:
Is there a way of getting Legal Aid Ontario to discharge the lien and the debt because of Undue Hardship?