Is it necessary to get an independent appraisal of a 12 year old vehicle to do a property settlement? I relied on the Black Book (?) value (available at CAA's website and other places) - make, year, mileage. - when I completed my 13.1 about a year ago.
As you can imagine, this value was not high - a few thousand dollars. My ex is insisting again and again that I get a proper evaluation.
Meanwhile, I have returned this vehicle to him because he refuses to sell or donate it.... or allow me to do the same.
It needs a fair amount of repairs to keep it safe and comfortable. I don't want to drive my kids in it this winter and I don't have any place to park it. (We live in a cheap rental.) I now have a new small and basic but also reliable car and pay extra for this one parking spot. (There are not enough parking spots to go around.)
Anyway, am I legally obliged to find an independent appraiser to assess the other vehicle's value? (On Kijiji similar vehicles are going for $1.5 to $3K max.) If he is so insistent on getting this vehicle appraised, can't I just claim that he has the vehicle so he is at liberty to get an appraisal?
Basically he's just holding this vehicle hostage - a tactic to control, make life difficult, etc. If I fight against this with a lawyer the legal costs will likely approach or surpass 50% the value of this dying vehicle.
Incidentally, my STBX continues to live (alone) in the matrimonial home - double car garage and driveway.
As you can imagine, this value was not high - a few thousand dollars. My ex is insisting again and again that I get a proper evaluation.
Meanwhile, I have returned this vehicle to him because he refuses to sell or donate it.... or allow me to do the same.
It needs a fair amount of repairs to keep it safe and comfortable. I don't want to drive my kids in it this winter and I don't have any place to park it. (We live in a cheap rental.) I now have a new small and basic but also reliable car and pay extra for this one parking spot. (There are not enough parking spots to go around.)
Anyway, am I legally obliged to find an independent appraiser to assess the other vehicle's value? (On Kijiji similar vehicles are going for $1.5 to $3K max.) If he is so insistent on getting this vehicle appraised, can't I just claim that he has the vehicle so he is at liberty to get an appraisal?
Basically he's just holding this vehicle hostage - a tactic to control, make life difficult, etc. If I fight against this with a lawyer the legal costs will likely approach or surpass 50% the value of this dying vehicle.
Incidentally, my STBX continues to live (alone) in the matrimonial home - double car garage and driveway.