I am in the middle of a high conflict divorce, the children and I live in the marital home, we have no child or spousal support orders in place, yes lawyer is working on it, however future x has yet to provide his financials, motions have been filed against him, he does not show up for court, does what he wants, pays only what he feels the children are worth that month.
House has to be sold in an as is condition, well below what the mortgage is, the mortgage company says that upon the close of house full mortgage has to be paid, we are unable to get a loan without collateral for the large amount needed, if we cannot come up with the funds, then of course the sale of the house would not go thru. I have a real estate agent, who has been unsuccessful in trying to help the future x understand the situation. I know that I can have a judge make an appropriate decision for the future x, not sure if this is the best idea.
The children attend post secondary education in a city an hour away, the future x pushed for this, the children and I are planning on moving to the city where they attend school.
The future x moved thousands of miles away over 3 years ago, he expects me to transport the kids back and forth to college, might not be a bad idea if there schedules were somewhat similar
It will take 2 years at the current payment schedule to be far enough below what the mortgage is to not worry about having to take out loan to pay off mortgage.
My spousal support pays for the total mortgage of 2000 a month, weekly mortgage payment. Future x has tried to spin stories to his lawyer about the equity that is being built, how I wanted to stay in house, I have proven documents on the condition of house when he left, he's no handy man lol, an appraisal from when he left, I have exclusive possession.
Should I just leave house sitting empty for the couple years, till I know that the mortgage can be covered? I feel that this is going to be the simplest solution,
Does the marital home have to be sold in order for the divorce to proceed forward?
I am in the middle of a high conflict divorce, the children and I live in the marital home, we have no child or spousal support orders in place, yes lawyer is working on it, however future x has yet to provide his financials, motions have been filed against him, he does not show up for court, does what he wants, pays only what he feels the children are worth that month.
House has to be sold in an as is condition, well below what the mortgage is, the mortgage company says that upon the close of house full mortgage has to be paid, we are unable to get a loan without collateral for the large amount needed, if we cannot come up with the funds, then of course the sale of the house would not go thru. I have a real estate agent, who has been unsuccessful in trying to help the future x understand the situation. I know that I can have a judge make an appropriate decision for the future x, not sure if this is the best idea.
The children attend post secondary education in a city an hour away, the future x pushed for this, the children and I are planning on moving to the city where they attend school.
The future x moved thousands of miles away over 3 years ago, he expects me to transport the kids back and forth to college, might not be a bad idea if there schedules were somewhat similar
It will take 2 years at the current payment schedule to be far enough below what the mortgage is to not worry about having to take out loan to pay off mortgage.
My spousal support pays for the total mortgage of 2000 a month, weekly mortgage payment. Future x has tried to spin stories to his lawyer about the equity that is being built, how I wanted to stay in house, I have proven documents on the condition of house when he left, he's no handy man lol, an appraisal from when he left, I have exclusive possession.
Should I just leave house sitting empty for the couple years, till I know that the mortgage can be covered? I feel that this is going to be the simplest solution,
Does the marital home have to be sold in order for the divorce to proceed forward?