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Cost submissions

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  • Cost submissions

    so got my judgment, I guess I didn`t articulate how uninvolved the ex is as she has ordered everything they wanted...ya dumbfounded right now....EOW for 13 yr old and counseling at my expense.....hello unemployed single mother here and not to mention my older are 18.....
    The boys love him and as I said before are neither here nor there about him, he has never ever been involved with them and when they find out about this they will hate him for what he is about making something high conflict.....wowowowowowow
    So much for being gracious and non combative in court
    So I will cry tomorrow....for now how do I do a cost submission and should I even bother......
    If I am ordered to pay costs, I have no money and will have to file bankruptcy....will this be covered in a bankruptcy

  • #2

    I'm so very sorry. What were the reasons that they gave for you to only have EOW access? Was it the voice of the child that contributed to this decision?


    • #3
      Oh no sorry I have full custody.....the boys were given the option to see or not 4 yrs ago and it was always no, so ex accused me of alienation but fact is he is and always was uninvolved.At the 1st CC, I agreed to every friday night for 13 yr old then he started to not show up and then I let the 13 yr old decide, it is the ex who now wants EOW, other side 25 min away, he lives with momma caz he and his chicky that he had a baby with 2 years ago split up.......and she the chicky verbally absued my sons yrs ago so in the order my son is not to be brought into contact with now ex who claims that while they do not live together spends every weekend at chickys with the dumby may have just shot himself in the foot caz now he will miss out on time with him


      • #4
        Originally posted by cynthia10 View Post
        when they find out about this they will hate him for what he is doing....
        Simple solution to this issue...................don't involve the kids in adult matters.


        • #5
          my sediments exactly ......trouble is she already did/does involve the kids in adult matters (tellin lies to kids means mommy really loves them the most ) parental alienation in the household and wow the venom about the ex and his goil.....typical stuff here


          • #6
            Originally posted by theborg View Post
            (tellin lies to kids means mommy really loves them the most )...
            I'm not sure where you saw that in her posts, but hey, who I am to be one that pays attention to little things like facts etc....


            • #7
              Ty hammer this is a family law site or didn't u kno that


              • #8
                Originally posted by theborg View Post
                Ty hammer this is a family law site or didn't u kno that
                Yes I know. Been here for a few years now. But I still don't see where she stated that she lied to the kids etc. If anything the only thing I see she did wrong was allow the children a choice when they were going to exercise their parenting time contrary to an existing court order when dad became irregular in exercising his parenting time.

                Each parents job is to promote the relationship of the children with the other parent. By suggesting they get to choose when they go with the other parent, whether the other parent is consistant with exercising their parenting time, is not promoting the relationship.

                But otherwise, you've taken her words and twisted them, which it appears you do. I have a feeling you may have lost in court and now are venting your frustrations......I mean, if you were this prepared for court, I can't understand why you may have not been successful....


                • #9
                  no sorry I have full custody.....the boys were given the option to see or not 4 yrs ago and it was always no, so ex accused me of alienation but fact is he is and always was uninvolved

                  that was 4 years ago ....hammer....hohum I win another round


                  • #10
                    I have never involved them at all in the issues....they are 18 and 13 and were given the choice 4 and a half years ago to visit and their answer was always no...he is not and never has been involved, he is not like you guys...he views them s a possession.....they will indeed need to be told why they have to go to counseling....will i be positive of course, but it may mean they miss activites etc...he has had email phone text access and never used it...except to berate my boys and call me names, which I just dismiss please dont misunderstand me


                    • #11
                      so ex accused me of alienation but fact is he is and always was uninvolved
                      So you were married to another dude?

                      So you're one of those types of gay tranny that hates women because we menstruate and you can't?

                      the boys were given the option to see or not 4 yrs ago and it was always no, so ex accused me of alienation
                      So basically you're chastising the OP like a complete hypocrite because you've done even worse things to your own children.

                      that was 4 years ago ....hammer....hohum I win another round
                      I'll bet that you didn't "win" a damned thing. Everything about you indicates that you had a very bad time in family court. Why don't you post your Canlii link so we can all see your big win.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by theborg View Post
                        "no sorry I have full custody.....the boys were given the option to see or not 4 yrs ago and it was always no, so ex accused me of alienation but fact is he is and always was uninvolved"

                        that was 4 years ago ....hammer....hohum I win another round
                        Win what.....not sure what level your reading comprehension is, but let me dumb it down for you...

                        Parents should promote other parent.

                        Giving kids option to not go on parenting is bad.

                        I hope I didn't use too many big words for you.

                        I fail to see any where in my post that I suggested otherwise. Or any connection to your statement that she somehow lies to the kids and your last post.

                        However, given that her ex was successful in his motion, it leads me to believe he did have sufficient evidence to support his case or the OP completely failed to provide sufficient evidence to refute his claims.


                        • #13
                          geez I'v never been uninvolved with wat I assumed was a possession.....I surely wouldn't be so uninvolved I'd be in court about my dis-interest. Cythnia sorry you lost...everyone is supposed to lose in court that way the judge has done his job....court wins are so easy win kids are small.....thats why you try not too throw ur ex under the bus win kids are the ex will have tons of goodwill for you later, when the kids age and things get him up tonight and say your sorry for everything...maybe he won't bankrupt you


                          • #14
                            I failed, I was unprepared it happened so fast the trial I mean and I am and was very non-combative.....he is who he is and despite that I have raised my kids to live him anyway, I just thought the judge would see, all hell will break lose and I will pick up the pieces and be their for my sons, but please read my prior posts about how well I treated this man before you guys rip me a new one LOL


                            • #15
                              opps bad cut n paste job....but funny u dunbass's think I said pirranha attack the thread tards!


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