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Car Expense

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  • Car Expense

    What do you think are reason post secondary car expenses taking into account that the city the child lives in does not have public transit?

    Purchase of a car?

  • #2
    bicycle? (tongue in cheek)


    • #3
      I went to post secondary in a town that did not offer public transit... I had my own car, however that was my choice... my parents were not divorced and make a good wage, but they never purchased my car... if I wanted a vehicle I was expected to purchase and maintain it... I think only once did my Dad pay my insurance, but everything else was up to me.

      I think any one who is old enough to attend post secondary is old enough to get a job, buy their own car and pay for its upkeep and all related expenses.

      However, in divorce it is clearly different. You will have to come to a common ground on whether this is necessary... are they living in residence? If not...why? This would eliminate the need for a car... is the place where they reside close enough to walk? Then walk... if not... why not choose a location closer?

      I don't think vehicles are mandatory for those going to post secondary and if they want I said...make them work for one... however, that is not saying you can't help them out when they need it... but it is certainly not something you are obligated to pay...IMHO... heck... my fuel pump quit one day and I was responsible for the whole $600 bill to have a new one put in... my responsibility.


      • #4
        Post secondary car expense?

        Are you saying that there is no public transportation available in the city in which your child is attending post secondary educational institution? I am a little surprised as most do have although maybe not all. I lived in a small city for PS myself and there was transport but not allowing me to attend school and work so I had a car. In hindsight I was really working mostly to afford the car but it "seemed" necessary to me at the time AND I PAID FOR COSTS MYSELF although I had help with purchase. Is it a luxury or a necessity? I think that makes a difference as the costs of educatio are high and there is nothing wrong with a student being responsible for some of the costs, it is realistic and they will appreciate the opportunity. I went to school with a lot of kids who were fully funded and some werent serious, didnt need to be as there parents were still completely footing the bill. Paying for things/ having loans is part of being an adult and sometimes is better as insependence is goal, self sufficiency. Not saying I wont help my son, I already have RESP since birth, as I did struggle but I expect him to pay some himself


        • #5
          Transportation is S7 for post education, but usually recognized at the lowest cost possible (i.e. public transportation if any). I would give her the equivalent of a monthly pass toward the car. If you are in generous mood, include car+associated costs in the S7 and share as per Order (70/30). If she's moving out of her mother's house, why can't she move close to her study place?


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