It's been a while, but unfortunately I am back.
About a month ago my daughter (5) told me that her dad was spanking her. What alarmed me was when I asked her where daddy spanked her, she said "hit hit me in the face) and then mocked slapping her cheek. I asked her where else, and she pointed to 8-10 other places on her body (not just hands and bum). Anyway, the details came out a little more, but I am 100% certain that what she told me was true. He had spanked her twice before (that I know of), and the first time she had just turned 2.
I didn't know what to do, given that her dad and I cannot communicate and it had been an abusive relationship. I couldn"t bring it up, he would only deny it and the little cooperation we had would go down the drain. So I called CAS.
They investigated (in their slow fashion) and I was just told that he came into their office on Monday. No home visit (they visited my home). He denied ever hitting her, even though the worker told me that my daughter had told her the same things I reported. She said we have a communication issue and that we need to make room for misunderstandings. UMMM, how is my daughter being hit all over her body, WHILE already in time out, a communication mishap?
Unfortunately, Because I didnt report my abuse to the police, nobody believed me. Now I report my daughter's abuse (it is abuse, isn't it?) and they don't even believe a little girl. My ex is so good at playing "Mr Nice Guy" that they are only "going to follow up" and didn't even make recommendations for him to seek counselling or parenting class. He is Spanking her out of frustration, and hitting her repeatedly!
I don't know what my options are here. I asked if they have any mediation services, as I know any co-operation from him is out the window. Nothing.
More importantly, I don't think this person was a social worker, and has no idea what an abuser looks like and how easily he can lie. I'm not trying to get him in trouble, I just want her to be safe, and for him to stop letting his frustration take over when she misbehaves. Is there anything I can do to get a qualified person on the case, to get them to do a home visit with him and to find out the truth?
Please help, I am quite upset and lost
About a month ago my daughter (5) told me that her dad was spanking her. What alarmed me was when I asked her where daddy spanked her, she said "hit hit me in the face) and then mocked slapping her cheek. I asked her where else, and she pointed to 8-10 other places on her body (not just hands and bum). Anyway, the details came out a little more, but I am 100% certain that what she told me was true. He had spanked her twice before (that I know of), and the first time she had just turned 2.
I didn't know what to do, given that her dad and I cannot communicate and it had been an abusive relationship. I couldn"t bring it up, he would only deny it and the little cooperation we had would go down the drain. So I called CAS.
They investigated (in their slow fashion) and I was just told that he came into their office on Monday. No home visit (they visited my home). He denied ever hitting her, even though the worker told me that my daughter had told her the same things I reported. She said we have a communication issue and that we need to make room for misunderstandings. UMMM, how is my daughter being hit all over her body, WHILE already in time out, a communication mishap?
Unfortunately, Because I didnt report my abuse to the police, nobody believed me. Now I report my daughter's abuse (it is abuse, isn't it?) and they don't even believe a little girl. My ex is so good at playing "Mr Nice Guy" that they are only "going to follow up" and didn't even make recommendations for him to seek counselling or parenting class. He is Spanking her out of frustration, and hitting her repeatedly!
I don't know what my options are here. I asked if they have any mediation services, as I know any co-operation from him is out the window. Nothing.
More importantly, I don't think this person was a social worker, and has no idea what an abuser looks like and how easily he can lie. I'm not trying to get him in trouble, I just want her to be safe, and for him to stop letting his frustration take over when she misbehaves. Is there anything I can do to get a qualified person on the case, to get them to do a home visit with him and to find out the truth?
Please help, I am quite upset and lost