What should I expect from the Crown?
- Ex-wife started pushing me
- I tried to hold her back
- She twisted her ankle, called 911
- Police arrested me-assault w/bodily harn
- occurred near Ottawa
- ages: me-60+, she-50+
- never arrested before
- no criminal record
- no physical violence ever (16yrs married)
- meeting with Crown in 4 weeks
- I have some exculpatory evidence (video)
- Intending to plea, self defense
What should I expect from the Crown?
Is a self defense plea wise?
Will videos be enough to convince the Crown to withdraw chgs?
Any info is helpful.
- Ex-wife started pushing me
- I tried to hold her back
- She twisted her ankle, called 911
- Police arrested me-assault w/bodily harn
- occurred near Ottawa
- ages: me-60+, she-50+
- never arrested before
- no criminal record
- no physical violence ever (16yrs married)
- meeting with Crown in 4 weeks
- I have some exculpatory evidence (video)
- Intending to plea, self defense
What should I expect from the Crown?
Is a self defense plea wise?
Will videos be enough to convince the Crown to withdraw chgs?
Any info is helpful.