What is the solution if the ex does not show any signs of giving up her useless fight. We have OCL recommendations now on file. They are recommending custody for me and access for her - no change, basically. Ex is so disappointed that she has launched a full scale assault on the OCL worker's integrity. Not surprised at all though, the judge, without even knowing full facts, has expressed serious concerns over the OCL report in a motion completely unrelated to OCL to custody and access. Of course, if the OCL recommends custody to father, the worker must have been biased. Isn't that how it works?
The thing is that I am totally out of money. Can't sell the darn house because that's the only stable place our son has right now. Can't borrow from the credit sources any further. I have no friends or family who can help me. I went to the last court date by myself and basically the judge ignored my whole affidavit and cross examined me just as if he was the opposing party. I can't hire a lawyer because they all require huge retainers.
The ex is totally opposed to mediation. She is like a puppet being controlled by her feminist counsellor and her lawyer. Her lawyer does not even discuss the matters with her and makes decisions without even seeking her client's approval. I found that out when the ex expressed her unawareness of some of the letters that I sent to her letters and some of the letters that came from her lawyer.
The ex is using the access time to manipulate our son. This manipulation often backfires at her which results in me being accused for coaching him. I took him to a therapist for counselling and now they are saying that the therapist is biased too. So everyone who sides with me is biased. Funny thing, judge believes her!!!
There is a lot more. The conclusion I have arrived at is that I can't win in this system. My worst fear is that our son will hate both of us, eventually! So I started thinking why don't I hand him over to her. I don't want our son to see us fighting all the times. This way, he will hate me now but maybe he understands it when he grows up. I thought of offering her joint custody but it is only going to make things worse. We never got along as parents when we were together. Its worse now. If I give her sole custody, chances are she will never let me see him again. In the past she ran away from home two times and disallowed even phone contact with me... Should I really give up???
The thing is that I am totally out of money. Can't sell the darn house because that's the only stable place our son has right now. Can't borrow from the credit sources any further. I have no friends or family who can help me. I went to the last court date by myself and basically the judge ignored my whole affidavit and cross examined me just as if he was the opposing party. I can't hire a lawyer because they all require huge retainers.
The ex is totally opposed to mediation. She is like a puppet being controlled by her feminist counsellor and her lawyer. Her lawyer does not even discuss the matters with her and makes decisions without even seeking her client's approval. I found that out when the ex expressed her unawareness of some of the letters that I sent to her letters and some of the letters that came from her lawyer.
The ex is using the access time to manipulate our son. This manipulation often backfires at her which results in me being accused for coaching him. I took him to a therapist for counselling and now they are saying that the therapist is biased too. So everyone who sides with me is biased. Funny thing, judge believes her!!!
There is a lot more. The conclusion I have arrived at is that I can't win in this system. My worst fear is that our son will hate both of us, eventually! So I started thinking why don't I hand him over to her. I don't want our son to see us fighting all the times. This way, he will hate me now but maybe he understands it when he grows up. I thought of offering her joint custody but it is only going to make things worse. We never got along as parents when we were together. Its worse now. If I give her sole custody, chances are she will never let me see him again. In the past she ran away from home two times and disallowed even phone contact with me... Should I really give up???