Here are the facts.
- purchased house in toronto five years ago.
- gf sold her house and moved in 1 year later-
- we have been living together now for 4 years.
- she was paying me rent
- no children just my dog
- we both have good jobs and money
- I was paying mortgage and house cost
- The house has increased in value by 150k
- we broke up;
So what do I ow her? part of the housing increase? rent back? if so the full 4 years? etc...
- purchased house in toronto five years ago.
- gf sold her house and moved in 1 year later-
- we have been living together now for 4 years.
- she was paying me rent
- no children just my dog
- we both have good jobs and money
- I was paying mortgage and house cost
- The house has increased in value by 150k
- we broke up;
So what do I ow her? part of the housing increase? rent back? if so the full 4 years? etc...