Main question is basically in the title. I'd also like to know if there's any difference in terms of her entitlement to my work pension and my cpp contributions over the years...
If she does file a claim can I in response seek:
Half of outstanding line of credit in my name?
Half of our son's braces which I paid for?
At least four months child support for our two kids (14 and 11) September to December 2008 when I had them virtually full-time before taking sick. We now share them about 50/50.
Rent she didn't pay because she made a unilateral decision to return to school in fall ’07 despite my insistence we couldn’t afford it.
Among other things...
Finally, I made a purchase of some land and a vehicle this year (both on credit). Does she possibly have any claim to them?
She told me she was moving out at the end of July 2008. I took the kids on a two week vacation immediately after. She officiallly moved out September 1, 2008. We were together 6 years approx. from Sept. 2002 - Sept. 2008.
Is my best bet to shell out for a lawyer in advance or wait to see what she does? Is there a timeline on such things?
Thanks to all in advance for your advice.
If she does file a claim can I in response seek:
Half of outstanding line of credit in my name?
Half of our son's braces which I paid for?
At least four months child support for our two kids (14 and 11) September to December 2008 when I had them virtually full-time before taking sick. We now share them about 50/50.
Rent she didn't pay because she made a unilateral decision to return to school in fall ’07 despite my insistence we couldn’t afford it.
Among other things...
Finally, I made a purchase of some land and a vehicle this year (both on credit). Does she possibly have any claim to them?
She told me she was moving out at the end of July 2008. I took the kids on a two week vacation immediately after. She officiallly moved out September 1, 2008. We were together 6 years approx. from Sept. 2002 - Sept. 2008.
Is my best bet to shell out for a lawyer in advance or wait to see what she does? Is there a timeline on such things?
Thanks to all in advance for your advice.