Originally posted by arabian
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Overall, it sounds like you're definitely eligible for SS. But there are some tactics your stbx can use as mentioned. She can make you prove that you're unfit to work at a regular minimum wage job and try to have an income imputed to you. She can also try to term your SS to a reasonable time for you to become self-sufficient.
On the other hand, you're going to be making the argument that you've been out of the workforce and even if you WERE totally fit, you won't be able to find immediate employment and also you were the primary caregiver for your child. This is a highly successful argument for most SAHPs.
Bottom line (and this isn't gender specific....cause I say the same thing to men on here), she put herself in this position by allowing you to stay home without earning an income and paying for your upkeep...and that was totally foolish on her part if she didn't mean to do that for the rest of her/your life. I have very little sympathy for people that allow that and then whine about SS. The bottom line is that no working person should tolerate supporting another adult person who isn't acting like an grown-up. (Sorry for the harshness, you seem like a very nice guy). So she's made her own bed, in my opinion.
I do have a question for you. If you've been unable to work due to anxiety...are you collecting any form of disability? I'd imagine that may be something that gets brought up.