The father has requested to vary a final court Order which details days and hours of visitation. His argument is that the children are with him more than 50% of the time so he shouldn't have to pay child support for the two 17 year olds and for the 20 year old, he says he shouldn't ahve to pay child support as he is 'on his own' - all are full time students - two in high school and one in university. In fact the children agree that their schedule never varied appreciably from the court ordered schedule. The children who are now 17 years old or older disagree that they spend more than 50% of their time with him and in fact one is now a full-time university student out of the province of ontario. I cannot afford a lawyer but I also do not understand his argument at all and he does have a lawyer.
My question is will the court permit me to attach to my responding affidavit signed statements by each of the children that they disagree with the facts of the paragraph (relating to his allegation that they spend 50% of their time with him) of their father's affidavit filed in support of his request to vary. and question #2 is will the Judge hearing the motion allow the children to speak at the motion?
My question is will the court permit me to attach to my responding affidavit signed statements by each of the children that they disagree with the facts of the paragraph (relating to his allegation that they spend 50% of their time with him) of their father's affidavit filed in support of his request to vary. and question #2 is will the Judge hearing the motion allow the children to speak at the motion?