OK so as some of you have probably pieced together, I'm facing a criminal chrge from my ex's husband - as well as fighting certain aspects of a 'motion to change' in family court as well.
Now I'll be perfectly honest and admit that for the incident in question we spoke and I made an innapropriate remark. However, I certainly did not threaten anyone.
I'v been offered a settlement of no permenant record with a continuation of the conditions set out by my 'undertaking to a peace officer' when I was arrested. So it's either that or goto trial. Lawyer advises me that the only differnece likely between accepting the offer and being found guilty at trial is virtually the same, except to be found guilty would mean to have a criminal record.
On principal alone, and at further expense to myself - I am going to trial.
Now I've spoken this matter over with flic lawyers and criminal lawyers and they say that these sort of allegations are very common in family court, and that it will likely not be too much of a factor for family court results.
Yet, I am facing the possability of being convicted of a criminal offence and cannot imagine how this would not be a very significant factor should my worst fears be realized.
Anyone care to comment?
Now I'll be perfectly honest and admit that for the incident in question we spoke and I made an innapropriate remark. However, I certainly did not threaten anyone.
I'v been offered a settlement of no permenant record with a continuation of the conditions set out by my 'undertaking to a peace officer' when I was arrested. So it's either that or goto trial. Lawyer advises me that the only differnece likely between accepting the offer and being found guilty at trial is virtually the same, except to be found guilty would mean to have a criminal record.
On principal alone, and at further expense to myself - I am going to trial.
Now I've spoken this matter over with flic lawyers and criminal lawyers and they say that these sort of allegations are very common in family court, and that it will likely not be too much of a factor for family court results.
Yet, I am facing the possability of being convicted of a criminal offence and cannot imagine how this would not be a very significant factor should my worst fears be realized.
Anyone care to comment?