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Cannot afford transport to hearing

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  • Cannot afford transport to hearing

    Well it is a two part question.

    Firstly, what happens if you cannot afford to attend a trial in another Province? I live in Alberta and there is a hearing in Nova Scotia, but I cannot afford to attend it?
    Whenever I ask the courts in NS all I am told is 'We cannot offer legal advice'!

    I have spoken briefly to a lawyer in Alberta and he basically shrugged his shoulders over it, but I cannot believe that in this country a court can 'try' you when you cannot even afford to attend to offer your side of the story?

    Secondly, can anyone advise any lawyers in Nova Scotia who would be good at dealing with a change of custody...I have been trying for almost two years to find one but with no joy...I have so much evidence against the other party it is almost a foregone conclusion, but the way things are set up in NS, it is impossible to defend yourself when living out of the Province, and I have been through three lawyers and all they care about is money! And I have tried even one of the top family lawyers, but they just do not care.

    I really am desperate here, if I cannot find a caring and capable lawyer, I will loose my son forever, after a 4.5 year fight,and really cannot face that, so desperate is an understatement.

    The last time i mentioned NS on this Forum, people just laughed, which really is the last thing I need right now. To be honest, it is the last thing anyone needs to hear, no matter what it is like in that backwater!

  • #2
    How desperate are you? Desperate enough to relocate to Nova Scotia? Since that sounds like it's where your son lives.


    • #3
      That is not an option, and has never been, besides my question was what happens if one cannot afford to attend a court hearing in another Province, not 'what options do I have to attend one in another Province.'
      Sorry if I sound curt in my response, no offence is meant


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rioe View Post
        How desperate are you? Desperate enough to relocate to Nova Scotia? Since that sounds like it's where your son lives.
        From what you seem to be saying - this is your only option.
        Again... How desperate are you?


        • #5
          Originally posted by AlexisAndrew View Post
          That is not an option, and has never been, besides my question was what happens if one cannot afford to attend a court hearing in another Province, not 'what options do I have to attend one in another Province.'
          Sorry if I sound curt in my response, no offence is meant
          If you cannot attend, or have someone attend for you - you will lose.
          Easy enough.


          • #6
            Go to your local MPP, MP or anyone else who will listen.

            Lawyers won't care - they just want your money and you don't have any.


            • #7
              Originally posted by karmaseeker View Post
              Go to your local MPP, MP or anyone else who will listen.

              Lawyers won't care - they just want your money and you don't have any.
              And your MP or MPP really cares...


              • #8
                Originally posted by wretchedotis View Post
                If you cannot attend, or have someone attend for you - you will lose.
                Easy enough.
                Is that 100% the case?

                If it is, then I have a very strong case with the World Court in the Hague, as this is a clear breach of Human Rights.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AlexisAndrew View Post
                  And your MP or MPP really cares...

                  Well then we should all just shrug are shoulders and do nothing. That will surely make a difference.

                  I will say it until I am blue in the face - unless enough people make a stink the laws regardless of how unjust or unconstitutional will remain the same.

                  I hear a countless stories over and over about how people got shafted in the courts and unless you have an account in gringotts bank full of gold and a magic wand you will never find what you are looking for.

                  There is no such thing as justice in the court room.

                  Originally posted by AlexisAndrew View Post
                  Is that 100% the case?

                  If it is, then I have a very strong case with the World Court in the Hague, as this is a clear breach of Human Rights.

                  The Divorce Act and The Family Court is a clear breach of human rights.
                  Last edited by karmaseeker; 07-28-2011, 12:29 AM.


                  • #10
                    I think you need to research just what human rights are....

                    You have a complete RIGHT to mobility in this counrty.
                    It's not a human right to be able to afford the travel to and from a different province to attend court, sorry.

                    It IS a human right to be able to travel there freely. And you may - at your own expense.

                    And to answer your question - let me ask you one.
                    If you are a judge, and two people are scheduled to present an arguement to you towards one specific purpose. Assume only one party shows up.
                    Would you find in favour of the absent party?

                    Like I said. Easy. Common sense, really. Think about it.


                    • #11
                      AlexisAndrew...I agree with Karma. Call your local MPP and see what they can do or advise you. It's worth an attempt.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wretchedotis View Post
                        I think you need to research just what human rights are....

                        You have a complete RIGHT to mobility in this counrty.
                        It's not a human right to be able to afford the travel to and from a different province to attend court, sorry.

                        It IS a human right to be able to travel there freely. And you may - at your own expense.

                        And to answer your question - let me ask you one.
                        If you are a judge, and two people are scheduled to present an arguement to you towards one specific purpose. Assume only one party shows up.
                        Would you find in favour of the absent party?

                        Like I said. Easy. Common sense, really. Think about it.
                        One could argue it is a breech of the charter of rights:

                        15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental
                        or physical disability.

                        As it would be discrimination of economic status.

                        However, I imagine funding a class action suit of this magnitude would require more money than what it would cost to get to NS.

                        See how they keep you repressed and silenced?


                        • #13
                          You should find out if it is possible to videoconference or something.
                          Can you afford to pay child support if you have to fly to NS? Maybe put it in context for the judge.

                          I agree with Karma-- doing nothing is never an option if you want to see change. You need to be strategic.

                          You are kind of vague and I don't really understand why you want custody in Alta but would not move to be close to your child.?? What about his mother? If she were so unfit that a court would let you have custody and move that far away, surely children's services would have already intervened. Maybe I am just not understanding you.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by karmaseeker View Post
                            Well then we should all just shrug are shoulders and do nothing. That will surely make a difference.

                            I will say it until I am blue in the face - unless enough people make a stink the laws regardless of how unjust or unconstitutional will remain the same.

                            I hear a countless stories over and over about how people got shafted in the courts and unless you have an account in gringotts bank full of gold and a magic wand you will never find what you are looking for.

                            There is no such thing as justice in the court room.

                            The Divorce Act and The Family Court is a clear breach of human rights.

                            I could not agree with you more on this...people need to stand up for themselves and speak out, but this is a long term thing...I need something in the right now, but will definitely write to the MP's...who would be best the MPP or MP?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by AlexisAndrew View Post
                              I could not agree with you more on this...people need to stand up for themselves and speak out, but this is a long term thing...I need something in the right now, but will definitely write to the MP's...who would be best the MPP or MP?

                              Get in their face and talk about the charter of rights and ask them to help you. You never know.

                              It is their job to look like they care about their constituents.

                              The MP will shrug you off and tell you to go to the MPP.

                              I wrote EVERY MP in CANADA. The best response was actually from the Office of the PM who took the liberty to forward my letter to the Attorney General. I haven't heard back from them.

                              After that I hit the Media.

                              I alone can't change it - but I will try.


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