I attempted to propose changes to our current separation agreement regarding access as the child is now older -( last agreement 2006) and the child would like to see me more. Tried to work thing out with child's mother. April 9 2011 - she would not respond to any suggestions. Suggested mediation, counselling no response.Hand delivered written proposal of changes April 27, 2011 to help stimulate discussion. Out of frustration filed and served papers May 24, 2011. Only after being served would my ex respond to proposed changes. She only addressed a couple of items and denied all other changes. Since filing I have continued to repeatedly offer to work together outside of court to resolve differences if we could agree to a method and time frame for responding. I again offered options such as Collaberative Family Law, Parenting Mediator - nothing. I received a legal letter from her lawyer requesting to postpone case conference but no response as to how we can negotiate. The reason her lawyer give for postponing case conference is so both parites have adequate time to fully consider all the proposed changes and to comunicate and negotiate between both parties. According to Family Law Rules - case conference brief only had to be served 7 days prior to case conference. In my case my ex has had the proposed changes since April 27, 2011 and the Case Conference brief since May 24, 2011. Our Case Conference is July 14, 2011. I feel this is adequate time.
Unfortunately neither the lawyer or my ex will communicate in regards to the proposed changes unless the case conference is postponed. In the Family Law Guide it states that you can continue to negotiate and come to an agreement at anytime. Despite repeated attempts I cannot get any response.
I am not opposed to postponing the case conference if it is possible without withdrawing and starting again.- but I am not sure it will do any good since prior to filing I could get no response either. Does anyone know if it is possible to postpone the first case conference? If so what form do you use?
I am self-representing and my ex-wife's lawyer refuses to communicate via, phone, e-mail just formal letter. When I send a formal letter not always will the lawyer respond. She will have my ex-wife respond.
I am reasonable and feel it is in the best interests of everyone to work outside of the court- but is it unreasonable to set up a means to negotiate without withdrawing paperwork.
Instead of wasting time postponing case conference - we could be using this time to negotiate and compromise on the proposed changes.
Thoughts? Should I just postpone case conference if so how? Or is this just a delay tactic?
Unfortunately neither the lawyer or my ex will communicate in regards to the proposed changes unless the case conference is postponed. In the Family Law Guide it states that you can continue to negotiate and come to an agreement at anytime. Despite repeated attempts I cannot get any response.
I am not opposed to postponing the case conference if it is possible without withdrawing and starting again.- but I am not sure it will do any good since prior to filing I could get no response either. Does anyone know if it is possible to postpone the first case conference? If so what form do you use?
I am self-representing and my ex-wife's lawyer refuses to communicate via, phone, e-mail just formal letter. When I send a formal letter not always will the lawyer respond. She will have my ex-wife respond.
I am reasonable and feel it is in the best interests of everyone to work outside of the court- but is it unreasonable to set up a means to negotiate without withdrawing paperwork.
Instead of wasting time postponing case conference - we could be using this time to negotiate and compromise on the proposed changes.
Thoughts? Should I just postpone case conference if so how? Or is this just a delay tactic?