Divorced in March 2000.
Primary residence of the 2 children is with the mother. Only spend 30% of time with me. Therefore it is only my information used to calculate child support.
I gave the required financial information each year to my ex wife by the dates noted in the agreement. Unfortunately, I did not use registered mail. I either handed the items to her or mailed them to her. I did note down a few of the dates that I mailed or gave the items to her. On one occasion I sent a letter with other issues on it, and it said "you will also find my enclosed tax information....". That is about the best I can do to verify that I gave her the required documents.
Also during the last 10 years, she made several threats to me that were like:
"if I wanted to, I could take you to court to have your payments increased" or "I am considering looking into seeing a lawyer about increasing child support".
Never once did she say, "I want an increase". It was always a threat, that was used when she was trying to control and manipulate me for visitation changes with my children: i.e. so she could have them longer at xmas.
Now, 10 years after the divorce, I have been served papers to pay $20 000 in retroactive child support. There is also an increase to my child support. It was originally $540 per month. Now it will be $900 per month. Her lawyer wants me to pay $300 per month on top of that to pay off the retroactive amount. That in total would be $1200 per month.
I have added up all of my income and monthly expenses. After I pay my mortgage, taxes, RSP loan ( which is more than the value of the rsp due to the economy), car loan ($350 per month), utilities, insurance, and line of credit - there ends up being a shortage of $500 per month that goes beyond my take home pay. I am also paying for post secondary education for one child now, and another one in 2 years. Would a judge consider this to be financial hardship when considering the merits of the motion to increase child support. Basically, I have to borrow to survive.
Wouldn't this give one household a greater economic advantage over the other one as well? My ex wife only starting working 3 years ago. She was a stay at home mother for the first 7 years. Now she has a job that pays the same if not more than mine, and she also recently received an inheritance from the death of her mother. The inheritance is also funding the child support increase for her. I can't afford to pay a lawyer to properly defend myself without going further into debt.
She claims over the 10 years in an affidavit that she requested an increase from me verbally several times. She also gave vague dates about when she sent me a letter asking for an increase. The vague dates would say "on or about November 2003". I did not receive the letters, and I think it is odd that she would not keep a copy of the letter to verify her claim. Obviously if she had kept a copy she would know an exact date and be able to produce a copy. I requested a copy of the letters from her lawyer, but have had no response. Is her lawyer obligated to give me a copy of the letters? Or is that something that happens once court proceedings have started. They start in 30 days.
Just as I didn't send my financial information using registered mail, she is not able to verify her "claims" that she sought an increase in support. Will this be a big mess in court? Will the judge treat it as "he said, she said"?
Is it worth putting up the battle to defend myself? The last thing I want to do is spend thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars to defend myself and then to lose.
I know I am obligated to increase my monthly support payments, and I am willing to do that for the benefit of my children. But it seems unreasonable and will cause me hardship to pay the retroactive amount.
Do I stand any chance of having a favourable outcome in court proceedings?
Please help me. Any insight or advice would be appreciated.
Primary residence of the 2 children is with the mother. Only spend 30% of time with me. Therefore it is only my information used to calculate child support.
I gave the required financial information each year to my ex wife by the dates noted in the agreement. Unfortunately, I did not use registered mail. I either handed the items to her or mailed them to her. I did note down a few of the dates that I mailed or gave the items to her. On one occasion I sent a letter with other issues on it, and it said "you will also find my enclosed tax information....". That is about the best I can do to verify that I gave her the required documents.
Also during the last 10 years, she made several threats to me that were like:
"if I wanted to, I could take you to court to have your payments increased" or "I am considering looking into seeing a lawyer about increasing child support".
Never once did she say, "I want an increase". It was always a threat, that was used when she was trying to control and manipulate me for visitation changes with my children: i.e. so she could have them longer at xmas.
Now, 10 years after the divorce, I have been served papers to pay $20 000 in retroactive child support. There is also an increase to my child support. It was originally $540 per month. Now it will be $900 per month. Her lawyer wants me to pay $300 per month on top of that to pay off the retroactive amount. That in total would be $1200 per month.
I have added up all of my income and monthly expenses. After I pay my mortgage, taxes, RSP loan ( which is more than the value of the rsp due to the economy), car loan ($350 per month), utilities, insurance, and line of credit - there ends up being a shortage of $500 per month that goes beyond my take home pay. I am also paying for post secondary education for one child now, and another one in 2 years. Would a judge consider this to be financial hardship when considering the merits of the motion to increase child support. Basically, I have to borrow to survive.
Wouldn't this give one household a greater economic advantage over the other one as well? My ex wife only starting working 3 years ago. She was a stay at home mother for the first 7 years. Now she has a job that pays the same if not more than mine, and she also recently received an inheritance from the death of her mother. The inheritance is also funding the child support increase for her. I can't afford to pay a lawyer to properly defend myself without going further into debt.
She claims over the 10 years in an affidavit that she requested an increase from me verbally several times. She also gave vague dates about when she sent me a letter asking for an increase. The vague dates would say "on or about November 2003". I did not receive the letters, and I think it is odd that she would not keep a copy of the letter to verify her claim. Obviously if she had kept a copy she would know an exact date and be able to produce a copy. I requested a copy of the letters from her lawyer, but have had no response. Is her lawyer obligated to give me a copy of the letters? Or is that something that happens once court proceedings have started. They start in 30 days.
Just as I didn't send my financial information using registered mail, she is not able to verify her "claims" that she sought an increase in support. Will this be a big mess in court? Will the judge treat it as "he said, she said"?
Is it worth putting up the battle to defend myself? The last thing I want to do is spend thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars to defend myself and then to lose.
I know I am obligated to increase my monthly support payments, and I am willing to do that for the benefit of my children. But it seems unreasonable and will cause me hardship to pay the retroactive amount.
Do I stand any chance of having a favourable outcome in court proceedings?
Please help me. Any insight or advice would be appreciated.