Hi. It has been so kindly advised via other posts that it is essential to maintain communications with your estranged spouse in efforts to resolve as many pending matters as possibly can be done preferably outside of court. However, what is one to do, when the other parent of your children decides to leave their employment to return to studies...abroad. Communication lines go down when out of the country, however when visiting Canada...visiting the children is always mentioned but not pursued. Other forms of communication with the children is offered but then commitments are not met. However, also when visiting the country, list A - Z is provided to me to respond to ...preferably ASAP. Essentially, it is in the best interests of everyone to try to resolve as many matters as possible but when it is requested that the same type of cooperation be reciprocated for other pending matters...all communication lines go down. It feels as though it's their way or its the highway. This is very concerning as there are certain things that I just can not agree with for various reasons, but because of the 'underemployment'...studies....living abroad (so very convenient, eh) etc. things have become more complicated and it feels as though there is too much leniency, via the system, for the party that is not very cooperative and pretty much has excuses for everything. It is even more daunting when the other party knows that I do not have the resources to pursue full legal battles, the other party has deliberately become very careless in responding appropriately, diligently and within prescribed timelines to what is required of them. How is this possible, how can one just become oblivious to their obligations, responsibilities and knowingly but silently ridicule me
Or, how do I get the other party to reason with me in efforts to try to resolve most outstanding matters of which I believe there are many?
