Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the passing of bill 133?
This bill is suppose to change pension reform in Family Law.In a nut shell you would no longer have to include your pension into the equilization payout to your ex.
I am representing myself in my first case conferrance soon and want to no more about this bill 133.
If i dont have to payout the pension i wont.
Is there a web site i can find out about the bill. Thanks. Good luck to everyone.Especially the ones who got cheated on.
This bill is suppose to change pension reform in Family Law.In a nut shell you would no longer have to include your pension into the equilization payout to your ex.
I am representing myself in my first case conferrance soon and want to no more about this bill 133.
If i dont have to payout the pension i wont.
Is there a web site i can find out about the bill. Thanks. Good luck to everyone.Especially the ones who got cheated on.