If you'd like to read my introduction, you can see it in this thread here: http://www.ottawadivorce.com/forum/f...s-system-7108/
So, as listed in my introduction above, I am currently at the Trial Management step of the Family Court process. Like many fathers out there, I am not financially able to hire legal counsel so I am fighting this on my own. I have numerous links saved to my favourites for Family Law Act, Family Law Rules, Ontario Court Forms and The Guide To Procedures In Family Court.
Our Case Settlement Conference was today and because my ex and I are entrenched on the issues of custody, support and access, it has been moved to the next step.
I swear I am aging a year for every hour I spend sitting in the waiting area or the courtroom. I served my ex with papers after she attemped to take time with Adia away from me after an argument (like many times before) and in the nearly four years prior to me serving her, I have had near equal access to my daughter. Then not twelve hours after I served her, she filed her response with the court basically painting me as a bad father who hardly helped out.
I'm in the process of researching Trial Management proceedings and processes as well as the paperwork (Form 17E) and if it goes to Trial, I know I'm in for a long tough road when I walk it solo. As far as I know my ex is representing herself too as she is in a similar "cannot afford a lawyer but cannot qualify for legal aid".
I guess I'm just in a swirling vortex of emotions here. I have never hated anyone so much in my life as I do my ex right now. I kep my anger and such out of my daughter's sight and earshot for sure, but if my ex showed up here one day with both my daughter and her daughter, handed them to me and said she's never be back, I would grin from ear to ear and feel elation so intense it could only be rivaled by Max Millions win.
So, as listed in my introduction above, I am currently at the Trial Management step of the Family Court process. Like many fathers out there, I am not financially able to hire legal counsel so I am fighting this on my own. I have numerous links saved to my favourites for Family Law Act, Family Law Rules, Ontario Court Forms and The Guide To Procedures In Family Court.
Our Case Settlement Conference was today and because my ex and I are entrenched on the issues of custody, support and access, it has been moved to the next step.
I swear I am aging a year for every hour I spend sitting in the waiting area or the courtroom. I served my ex with papers after she attemped to take time with Adia away from me after an argument (like many times before) and in the nearly four years prior to me serving her, I have had near equal access to my daughter. Then not twelve hours after I served her, she filed her response with the court basically painting me as a bad father who hardly helped out.
I'm in the process of researching Trial Management proceedings and processes as well as the paperwork (Form 17E) and if it goes to Trial, I know I'm in for a long tough road when I walk it solo. As far as I know my ex is representing herself too as she is in a similar "cannot afford a lawyer but cannot qualify for legal aid".
I guess I'm just in a swirling vortex of emotions here. I have never hated anyone so much in my life as I do my ex right now. I kep my anger and such out of my daughter's sight and earshot for sure, but if my ex showed up here one day with both my daughter and her daughter, handed them to me and said she's never be back, I would grin from ear to ear and feel elation so intense it could only be rivaled by Max Millions win.