Hi everyone,
Help Please!!
To give a little background, my husband filed for divorce papers from Montreal, i moved to toronto in july 2005. he then wanted to have an settlement, i sent him an offer in end november but he never replied back, i finally got an answer from him after 3 months in which he claims that since he does not have any job (he gave it up in december) he cannot pay any child support and he wants joint custody of the child. so far he has been visiting her on a very erratic schedule. We also have a house in montreal on which there is an offer.
He has moved to Toronto with his girlfriend. He has a 4-5 week contract but he is not declaring that. He keeps saying that he wants to put an end to it , but then he keeps coming up with something else. It has been carrying on for too long and I want to put an end to it.
I want to protect my interest in the house, what steps can i take?
I also had got an emergency motion from the ontario court for not taking her out of the province. The last time I had got an extension because of negotiations being done, but the next date is soon and no negotiations have ben done. what can I do about that?
Any suggesstions, advise would be a great help, i cannot afford a lawyer and the one that I had in ontario basically ripped me off.
Help Please!!
To give a little background, my husband filed for divorce papers from Montreal, i moved to toronto in july 2005. he then wanted to have an settlement, i sent him an offer in end november but he never replied back, i finally got an answer from him after 3 months in which he claims that since he does not have any job (he gave it up in december) he cannot pay any child support and he wants joint custody of the child. so far he has been visiting her on a very erratic schedule. We also have a house in montreal on which there is an offer.
He has moved to Toronto with his girlfriend. He has a 4-5 week contract but he is not declaring that. He keeps saying that he wants to put an end to it , but then he keeps coming up with something else. It has been carrying on for too long and I want to put an end to it.
I want to protect my interest in the house, what steps can i take?
I also had got an emergency motion from the ontario court for not taking her out of the province. The last time I had got an extension because of negotiations being done, but the next date is soon and no negotiations have ben done. what can I do about that?
Any suggesstions, advise would be a great help, i cannot afford a lawyer and the one that I had in ontario basically ripped me off.