"paragraph 7(1.1)(a) provides that expenses are extraordinary if they exceed what the requesting spouse can reasonably cover, in light of his or her income."
Gee, that's not going to send everyone to court. What the heck are they thinking??
Don't want you to think no one's paying attention to this thread.. I am, but unless you've got an accurate synopsis of the reforms, you'll have to forgive the delay. Raising kiddos alone leaves so little time for other things; surely the new reforms are in recognition of that, right?
1. The term "extraordinary expenses" has been defined. Judges have had differing interpretations of the word. This amendment is to clarify that. It probably does clarify it, but I'm not sure it will reduce litigation over section 7 expenses.
2. If you are a support payor living outside Canada, in the past if you lived in a country with lower tax rates then Canada, you may have had to pay more child support to reflect the lower tax rates. However, the converse wasn't true with people living in countries with higher tax rates then Canada. Now, people living in countries with higher tax rates then Canada can argue that this should reduce the amount of child support they pay.
3. Table amounts of child support are increasing, often by 10% to 20%. The new tables constitute a material change in circumstances, which means you can go back to court and ask for this increase.