I received, what can be described as a slanderous CC brief. Some of the stuff my spouse stated was boarderline delusional and I mean outrageous "UFO" type stuff.
My lawyer said don't worry about it. How serious do the judges take these briefs? I mean isn't it the first imression the judges get? So if the ex wrote me out to being a monster and my lawyer did ours based on facts and devoid of mudslinging, won't that hurt me? Or is my lawyer correct in sticking to the facts that can be proven and looking for a solution?????
My lawyer said don't worry about it. How serious do the judges take these briefs? I mean isn't it the first imression the judges get? So if the ex wrote me out to being a monster and my lawyer did ours based on facts and devoid of mudslinging, won't that hurt me? Or is my lawyer correct in sticking to the facts that can be proven and looking for a solution?????