Here's some background before the questions:
Ex and I have been separated and now divorced for 5 years. Have 3 children 8,6,5. Missed one court date in Feb 2007 (which lawyer told me I had no need to be present for) and ex asked for and received full cutody with support payments to the guildline.
Have always had children nearly 50% of the time and in 2008 judge ordered access based on schedule ex and I have had for years (was told by judge and lawyer that my being granted joint was touchy based on her being granted full custody the year before). Judge also told me the access is better because it is defined in the court order.
My ex makes roughly per year more than I do (which is 47000 part-time). I have paid the guildline payments based on a 35000 income for two years because my employment is not guaranteed to give me full time hours and because she got babysitting costs of 120/month put in during the missed court date for which she never had. *She has the kids on her time off (works shift work). *Therefore, she receives just over 800/month. *It's just easier to leave the payment at that (which is a slight overpayment on my behalf)
The two households split everything evenly (she buys the kids stuff for her place, I do for mine, etc) and we proportionately split all sports and extracurricular activities.
I also take kids to their medical appointments, schooling functions, etc and am very involved in their lives.
Here are the questions:
I assume that the court grants support payments to a parent based on the assumption that they will have an increased responsibility because the other parent makes more and/or is not involved with many of the daily aspects of the kids lives or is deemed irresponsible to have custody. I have in the order that I have equal legal say in all medical, educational, religion, etc. The only difference that I see from this being joint is the 'access' tag. Am I correct in my assumptions? Could I make a case for joint?
How does the court look at income for a part time employed payor? Do they average income based on years past (sliding sclale) and then I can pay the sum if higher based on the averaged income?
If she is custodial, can I still claim half the children as dependants for tax purposes as we split everything?
I am paying 800/month for the children with 48% time (she has the children roughly 12-14 days more a year) and an ex who makes more per year. Is there any way of lowering the support if I couldn't get joint?
Thanks in advance for any feedback. I've been wanting to ask these questions for sometime, but after seeing some real deadbeat Dad's who don't pay anything for their children and still want nothing to do with them, I'd like to not be one of the Dad's who really is involved with everything in his kids lives, yet gets treated like others who aren't.
Ex and I have been separated and now divorced for 5 years. Have 3 children 8,6,5. Missed one court date in Feb 2007 (which lawyer told me I had no need to be present for) and ex asked for and received full cutody with support payments to the guildline.
Have always had children nearly 50% of the time and in 2008 judge ordered access based on schedule ex and I have had for years (was told by judge and lawyer that my being granted joint was touchy based on her being granted full custody the year before). Judge also told me the access is better because it is defined in the court order.
My ex makes roughly per year more than I do (which is 47000 part-time). I have paid the guildline payments based on a 35000 income for two years because my employment is not guaranteed to give me full time hours and because she got babysitting costs of 120/month put in during the missed court date for which she never had. *She has the kids on her time off (works shift work). *Therefore, she receives just over 800/month. *It's just easier to leave the payment at that (which is a slight overpayment on my behalf)
The two households split everything evenly (she buys the kids stuff for her place, I do for mine, etc) and we proportionately split all sports and extracurricular activities.
I also take kids to their medical appointments, schooling functions, etc and am very involved in their lives.
Here are the questions:
I assume that the court grants support payments to a parent based on the assumption that they will have an increased responsibility because the other parent makes more and/or is not involved with many of the daily aspects of the kids lives or is deemed irresponsible to have custody. I have in the order that I have equal legal say in all medical, educational, religion, etc. The only difference that I see from this being joint is the 'access' tag. Am I correct in my assumptions? Could I make a case for joint?
How does the court look at income for a part time employed payor? Do they average income based on years past (sliding sclale) and then I can pay the sum if higher based on the averaged income?
If she is custodial, can I still claim half the children as dependants for tax purposes as we split everything?
I am paying 800/month for the children with 48% time (she has the children roughly 12-14 days more a year) and an ex who makes more per year. Is there any way of lowering the support if I couldn't get joint?
Thanks in advance for any feedback. I've been wanting to ask these questions for sometime, but after seeing some real deadbeat Dad's who don't pay anything for their children and still want nothing to do with them, I'd like to not be one of the Dad's who really is involved with everything in his kids lives, yet gets treated like others who aren't.