Understandably, the guiding principle for the sharing of daycare costs is in proportion to income (i.e. proportionate share). That is what is currently in the court order and what has been our practice to date; my husband and I do not dispute it.
Unfortunately, my stepson's mom does dispute it.
Because daycare costs increase when the child is absent from daycare during the time that he is with us on court-ordered vacation time (5-6 weeks per year), the mom claims that she should not be responsible for any portion of this expense.
She believes that we should be responsible for 100% of the daycare costs incurred during the time the child is with us, plus our proportionate share of all other daycare fees.
My husband and I believe that daycare is a shared total expense, and that the entire costs should be shared. After all, is it not my husband's right to exercise his court-ordered visitation time? Is it not his right to do so without any additional financial penalties for abiding by his court order? Is it not the custodial parent's obligation to help facilitate access? We don't believe that it is fair for a parent to have to pay to see their child.
Of course, the mom disagrees and claims that our situation warrants special consideration. We are quite certain that she will be taking this to court, and soon.
We live 1.5hrs away, one way. We cannot take the child to daycare daily during the time he is with us. Not only that, even if we lived closer, my husband and I would much rather prefer spending time with the child than sending him to daycare daily. And what about vacations? Are we not entitled to a vacation away with the child? Unfortunately, the mother believes that since we "choose" to not take the child to daycare daily, we should cover 100% of the expenses associated with the absences during the time the child is with us.
Does she have any leg to stand on? Or do we have an easy open-and-shut case here? Any advice or information you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Unfortunately, my stepson's mom does dispute it.
Because daycare costs increase when the child is absent from daycare during the time that he is with us on court-ordered vacation time (5-6 weeks per year), the mom claims that she should not be responsible for any portion of this expense.
She believes that we should be responsible for 100% of the daycare costs incurred during the time the child is with us, plus our proportionate share of all other daycare fees.
My husband and I believe that daycare is a shared total expense, and that the entire costs should be shared. After all, is it not my husband's right to exercise his court-ordered visitation time? Is it not his right to do so without any additional financial penalties for abiding by his court order? Is it not the custodial parent's obligation to help facilitate access? We don't believe that it is fair for a parent to have to pay to see their child.
Of course, the mom disagrees and claims that our situation warrants special consideration. We are quite certain that she will be taking this to court, and soon.
We live 1.5hrs away, one way. We cannot take the child to daycare daily during the time he is with us. Not only that, even if we lived closer, my husband and I would much rather prefer spending time with the child than sending him to daycare daily. And what about vacations? Are we not entitled to a vacation away with the child? Unfortunately, the mother believes that since we "choose" to not take the child to daycare daily, we should cover 100% of the expenses associated with the absences during the time the child is with us.
Does she have any leg to stand on? Or do we have an easy open-and-shut case here? Any advice or information you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.