Here is the situation, my ex unilaterally separated from me via email and letter, in it she stated that she was leaving me, had moved to her parents home 6 hours north of matrimonial home, already emptied the home of ALL its contents, declaired bankruptcy, took a 1 year leave of absence from her teaching job(essentially reducing her income to zero), was not planning to return ever and would only allow me access to our son at her parents home.
I was the stay at home parent until just recently when I returned to the work force, I have gotten the court to force her to move back, and have an interum order for 50/50 week on /week off custody. I have also gotten the Office of the children's lawyers involved due to the previous circumstances of parental alienation syndrome.
Due to my current employment situation, I do not earn enough to pay the bills which includes the additional burden of all the shared debt, and the bankruptcy trustee wants me to pay a large amount of money or he will force the sale of the matrimonial home that I am staying in and canot afford to buy out.
My wife and I had been together for 7 years.
What should I be doing?
I am looking at having my father in law charged with break and enter and theft if possible based on the fact that my ex had signed legal documents stating that her address had changed prior to sending her father to empty out the house. She had also declaired bankrupty prior to empting out the house, which in effect signed her interest in the home over to the trustee. Is this possible?
I am also concerned that my son is at a new school, rather than the one he previously attended for the past 2 years. Should I be trying to get him returned to his school or leave him in the new one?
I am living in the matrimonial home, and my ex is living in an apartment that is considered only temporary, can I have my home listed as his primary residence?
I was the stay at home parent until just recently when I returned to the work force, I have gotten the court to force her to move back, and have an interum order for 50/50 week on /week off custody. I have also gotten the Office of the children's lawyers involved due to the previous circumstances of parental alienation syndrome.
Due to my current employment situation, I do not earn enough to pay the bills which includes the additional burden of all the shared debt, and the bankruptcy trustee wants me to pay a large amount of money or he will force the sale of the matrimonial home that I am staying in and canot afford to buy out.
My wife and I had been together for 7 years.
What should I be doing?
I am looking at having my father in law charged with break and enter and theft if possible based on the fact that my ex had signed legal documents stating that her address had changed prior to sending her father to empty out the house. She had also declaired bankrupty prior to empting out the house, which in effect signed her interest in the home over to the trustee. Is this possible?
I am also concerned that my son is at a new school, rather than the one he previously attended for the past 2 years. Should I be trying to get him returned to his school or leave him in the new one?
I am living in the matrimonial home, and my ex is living in an apartment that is considered only temporary, can I have my home listed as his primary residence?