The court order states that daycare costs shall be shared by both parties in proportion to their incomes. (As per the guidelines.)
The custodial parent wants to change this provision.
In her latest case conference brief, she suggested sharing daycare costs 50/50. My husband agreed, although the issue never came up in court and as a result was never re-ordered.
All of a sudden, based on a judge's comment, she wants to "share" subsidized sick-days so that my husband is responsible for 50% of daycare costs plus 100% of all daycare absence fees due to his court-ordered vacation time. My husband is not in agreement with this, and insists on sharing ALL daycare costs 50-50. After all, why should he be financially penalized for exercising his court-ordered time? Why should he have to pay extra in order to see his son?
Yet, this is the response we get from the custodial mom: "I do not agree that each of us paying 50% of daycare costs is fair - since I would be facilitating your vacation time."
Isn't it the custodial parent's obligation to help facilitate access and vacation times? We already do all the transportation (full tank of gas each round trip) and cover 50% of all costs plus 100% of all camps/activities during the time the child is with us. On top of an already increased amount of child support.
The issue is that the child needs to be in daycare full-time in order for the custodial mom to receive subsidized care. When the child is absent from daycare, absence fees of $35/day are incurred. The custodial mom feels she should not be responsible for these costs as the child is on dad's vacation time, and expects my husband to cover 100% of these absence fees, yet still expects him to cover at least 50% of all other daycare fees, including absence fees associated with absences on her custody time (be they due to illness or other).
Any suggestions on how to handle this nonsense?
Your input is greatly appreciated, as both my husband and I are at our wits' end.
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The custodial parent wants to change this provision.
In her latest case conference brief, she suggested sharing daycare costs 50/50. My husband agreed, although the issue never came up in court and as a result was never re-ordered.
All of a sudden, based on a judge's comment, she wants to "share" subsidized sick-days so that my husband is responsible for 50% of daycare costs plus 100% of all daycare absence fees due to his court-ordered vacation time. My husband is not in agreement with this, and insists on sharing ALL daycare costs 50-50. After all, why should he be financially penalized for exercising his court-ordered time? Why should he have to pay extra in order to see his son?
Yet, this is the response we get from the custodial mom: "I do not agree that each of us paying 50% of daycare costs is fair - since I would be facilitating your vacation time."
Isn't it the custodial parent's obligation to help facilitate access and vacation times? We already do all the transportation (full tank of gas each round trip) and cover 50% of all costs plus 100% of all camps/activities during the time the child is with us. On top of an already increased amount of child support.
The issue is that the child needs to be in daycare full-time in order for the custodial mom to receive subsidized care. When the child is absent from daycare, absence fees of $35/day are incurred. The custodial mom feels she should not be responsible for these costs as the child is on dad's vacation time, and expects my husband to cover 100% of these absence fees, yet still expects him to cover at least 50% of all other daycare fees, including absence fees associated with absences on her custody time (be they due to illness or other).
Any suggestions on how to handle this nonsense?
Your input is greatly appreciated, as both my husband and I are at our wits' end.
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