Hello everyone,
Just wondering if I can get some feedback on what I should do.I am the father of an amazing 3 year old girl,seperated from my spouse 2 years ago and things have been rocky at best since.I have family in Montreal but live in Toronto,my parents and other family is down there and we go down 2 or more times a year.I have taken my daughter down many times and never had an issue,at christmas of last year we were down there and my ex was acting up,she said we were not where we said we were and even though she had the address and phone number(and has been to my moms in the past) called the police because she did not believe us.The police from toronto called me and had a good laugh about it and wished me a good weekend because they saw through it.Then the next day we were getting ready to leave Montreal and come home and a Police officer came to the door saying that my ex called and was worried that we were not coming home with my daughter,we had the stuff packed at the door ready to go,I showed him the letter she signed OKing the trip and the emails and txt msgs that we had during the trip,he said he would call her back and tell her to not call unless its an emergency and that she wasted there time.So now its my mothers 60th birthday and we made plans to have a big party on the long weekend,told my ex over the phone and she said it sounded good.I am scheduled to have my daughter on that weekend so it seemed allright.Unfortunatly regarding taking my daughter out of province I have to get written consent, we have joint custody but she was worried at the time that i would run away so in the court order we put this line "Neither party shall take the child out of the province of Ontario without the prior written consent of the other party,which shall not be unreasonably witheld" .So I gave her a letter with the dates and address and phone number of where we will be staying,like every other time and asked her to look over the copy and get it back to me sunday when I dropped off our child.On sunday she told me she is not signing it because of what happened at christmas and I don;t know what to do,we have 3 weekends until the long one and my moms really looking forward to this.She is being unreasonable but I am not sure exactly what to do in this case.Thank you for any input I truly appreaciate any and all help.
Just wondering if I can get some feedback on what I should do.I am the father of an amazing 3 year old girl,seperated from my spouse 2 years ago and things have been rocky at best since.I have family in Montreal but live in Toronto,my parents and other family is down there and we go down 2 or more times a year.I have taken my daughter down many times and never had an issue,at christmas of last year we were down there and my ex was acting up,she said we were not where we said we were and even though she had the address and phone number(and has been to my moms in the past) called the police because she did not believe us.The police from toronto called me and had a good laugh about it and wished me a good weekend because they saw through it.Then the next day we were getting ready to leave Montreal and come home and a Police officer came to the door saying that my ex called and was worried that we were not coming home with my daughter,we had the stuff packed at the door ready to go,I showed him the letter she signed OKing the trip and the emails and txt msgs that we had during the trip,he said he would call her back and tell her to not call unless its an emergency and that she wasted there time.So now its my mothers 60th birthday and we made plans to have a big party on the long weekend,told my ex over the phone and she said it sounded good.I am scheduled to have my daughter on that weekend so it seemed allright.Unfortunatly regarding taking my daughter out of province I have to get written consent, we have joint custody but she was worried at the time that i would run away so in the court order we put this line "Neither party shall take the child out of the province of Ontario without the prior written consent of the other party,which shall not be unreasonably witheld" .So I gave her a letter with the dates and address and phone number of where we will be staying,like every other time and asked her to look over the copy and get it back to me sunday when I dropped off our child.On sunday she told me she is not signing it because of what happened at christmas and I don;t know what to do,we have 3 weekends until the long one and my moms really looking forward to this.She is being unreasonable but I am not sure exactly what to do in this case.Thank you for any input I truly appreaciate any and all help.