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Arbitration And Family Law

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  • #2
    Thanks so much!!!

    Any chance your available for my trial in the Spring


    • #3

      YOUR going to be successful. I just feel it. Remain focused. Have your searched for leading jurisprudence to support your stance and position.
      Know the law which you do be ready to cite and how it applies to your specific facts.

      When speaking to the Judge, picture him sitting in his/her underwear. haha. Apparently this makes one less nervous and cheerful


      • #4
        Can anyone tell me if arbitration is a good route? My ex husbands now (as of december) ex wife is trying to get joint custody of our 6 year old daughter. Is it smart to try arbitration?


        • #5
          Originally posted by free32 View Post
          Can anyone tell me if arbitration is a good route? My ex husbands now (as of december) ex wife is trying to get joint custody of our 6 year old daughter. Is it smart to try arbitration?
          I would be certain before entering into arbitration that you are aware of the definition and how it works before pursuing this as an avenue. There a binding and non-binding methods. A third party person assesses the situation and renders their verdict so to speak. If it is binding then entering into arbitration the decision reached in the end is the final outcome of the case because you both agree to be bound to the decision.

          Or at least that is my take on arbitration.


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