Can I serve the Application Form 8A for Simple Divorce on my spouse by UPS?
The court instruction guide says that one has to use Special Service and one the methods is:
"Mailing a copy of the documents to the respondent's home address together with an acknowledgement of service in the form of a prepaid return postcard - Form 6. Service will only be valid when the respondent returns the signed postcard to the applicant. You cannot use regular mail or fax your Application to the other party."
So if I send by UPS, is that considered valid? Also if I don't get any acknowledgement back of Form 6, then I guess I have to hire a Process Server.
Can I serve the Application Form 8A for Simple Divorce on my spouse by UPS?
The court instruction guide says that one has to use Special Service and one the methods is:
"Mailing a copy of the documents to the respondent's home address together with an acknowledgement of service in the form of a prepaid return postcard - Form 6. Service will only be valid when the respondent returns the signed postcard to the applicant. You cannot use regular mail or fax your Application to the other party."
So if I send by UPS, is that considered valid? Also if I don't get any acknowledgement back of Form 6, then I guess I have to hire a Process Server.