One would hope this nightmare should end. My husband has an ex wife where they have NO children together. They were married 9 years. He has been paying spousal support for the last 11 years! She claims disability (CPP) for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrom) and gets $1200 a month from them. She also receives over $1700 mth for SS.
We have been married 11 years, he is the step father to my 2 kids (16 & 15). We are currently going through the motions to end this but it seems it is one delay after the other to get to the court hearing. Our claim is based on the new formulas, his support should be over even at the worst case scenario.... we have a court case next month, my fingers are crossed that the judge will be reasonable... my God this needs to end eventually... I mean..there are NO KIDS! She claims she can't work.. and I think that is the only thing she can hang on too... but everything in me says this should be done. Am I alone? Anyone have a simial situation you can let me know how it went? We are in Toronto... Any thoughts would be appreciated!
We have been married 11 years, he is the step father to my 2 kids (16 & 15). We are currently going through the motions to end this but it seems it is one delay after the other to get to the court hearing. Our claim is based on the new formulas, his support should be over even at the worst case scenario.... we have a court case next month, my fingers are crossed that the judge will be reasonable... my God this needs to end eventually... I mean..there are NO KIDS! She claims she can't work.. and I think that is the only thing she can hang on too... but everything in me says this should be done. Am I alone? Anyone have a simial situation you can let me know how it went? We are in Toronto... Any thoughts would be appreciated!