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Spousal Support without Child - CRAZY

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  • Spousal Support without Child - CRAZY

    One would hope this nightmare should end. My husband has an ex wife where they have NO children together. They were married 9 years. He has been paying spousal support for the last 11 years! She claims disability (CPP) for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrom) and gets $1200 a month from them. She also receives over $1700 mth for SS.

    We have been married 11 years, he is the step father to my 2 kids (16 & 15). We are currently going through the motions to end this but it seems it is one delay after the other to get to the court hearing. Our claim is based on the new formulas, his support should be over even at the worst case scenario.... we have a court case next month, my fingers are crossed that the judge will be reasonable... my God this needs to end eventually... I mean..there are NO KIDS! She claims she can't work.. and I think that is the only thing she can hang on too... but everything in me says this should be done. Am I alone? Anyone have a simial situation you can let me know how it went? We are in Toronto... Any thoughts would be appreciated!

  • #2
    Unfortunately I cannot give you more than this: in one of my hearings the judge did not believe the other party's argument re. its inability to work. Unfortunately I could not go to trial. Stay positive. If the formulae/guidelines are in your favour you have good news already. Another enslaved.


    • #3
      it doesn't matter that there are no kids with SS. I have a friend with IBS and when in acts up she goes through hell. That being said I really feel that SS should not last longer then the marriage did. That is totally out of whack.

      Good luck in getting it ended.


      • #4
        Fingers Crossed

        Well our court date is June 23rd, so I will certainly keep up with the posts just to let you all know what comes of it. I have a feeling there will be another delay tactic, but I do believe it will end.

        I am not disputing the fact that IBS is awful, the main thing here is when does the responsibilty of this end for the ex-husband? When can he start fresh and move on.? We all agree it should not be paid out longer that you are married, we just need to seriously make some changes. She is already on CDN disability too!! On top of the monthly support from my husband.... I guess I am just frustrated that we have to borrow to pay bills, lawyers etc... while she is racking in 3K a month for sitting at home for 11 years!

        Fingers crossed for court next month!


        • #5
          I assume you are going to court because she refused your idea that SS should stop.

          I am curious what she said when you suggested that SS should stop?


          • #6
            Hi we are in the same situation and court next month been paying for 10 yrs. I didn't know SS was actually called "cash for life" I feel sorry for a lot of men out there. If women were men they wouldn't get married.


            • #7
              Well, the good thing is that the Guidelines are beginning to change to be "FAIR" and the problem in the past is that there were no caluclation or formula for SS. The grey area in our case is she is claiming not being able to work due to her IBS, and somehow that is his problem. I would be curious for you to update me when you have your court case next month to let me know how it went. Like I said before, everything in me says this has to end... I can't imagine a judge saying we are still responsible?? But I have learned quick to not expect anything.... throwing darts here and hoping we get bullseye.

              You said it right, "Cash For Life" and she didn't even have to buy a ticket! I think the more vocal we can get about this to the media, and other outlets it should speed up the new guidlines to be become law. Enough is enough already.... !!!


              • #8
                Your are right things need to change. His ex works for the government nice chushy job. I too believe things have to end as a matter of fact we have the champagne waiting. I will keep you informed first date is June 3 and court June 18th


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