I am new to this but I am going to jump right into it. I need to bounce some of what is going on lately with my ex off of some people who have been in my position. Sorry for the novel...lol
I left my ex in 2005. I was a stay-at-home mom to our only child. I gave him everything he wanted, except our daughter. Needless to say when I told him it was over it got ugly and he threatened me with a knife which resulted in a criminal record for him. Violence was not the norm in our relationship.
Due to his large amount of lawyer bills he requested that we see a mediator and make a separation agreement which we did. We have both moved on with our lives. Everything was going well until he cut off all communication with me and started using his live-in girlfriend as a go-between. It was a gradual thing that started with him asking if she could pick up our daughter for his access weekend because he was running late and escalated to his gf calling me to talk about additional access she had negotiated with my 9yr old daughter. Although I was uncomfortable with her involvement I allowed her to be involved as long as my daughter was happy. I had deviated from our agreement on many occasions so that my ex could have extra time with our daughter & even gave up some of my weekends with her to accomidate his plans.
About 4 months ago the crying started. My daughter would cry when I dropped her off at her dad's and he wasn't there. She didn't want to stay with his gf. I attempted to call my ex to talk to him about my concerns but was never able to talk to him because she would intercept the calls. I had expressed to her my concern with her level in involvement but nothing changed. I finally had enough & emailed him to let him know that I was not happy with the lack of communication between us. I told him that I was going to follow our agreement to the letter and that all communication from his gf would not be entertained by me.
Shortly before I sent this email there had been a situation where he had dropped by the daycare my daughter attends to visit her. Because I have full custody of our daughter he is not listed as a guardian on any of the forms there. The staff were concerned with his presence and expressed it to me. The daycare is run out of my daughters school and he had been at the school to see her teacher, which I consented to. He was escorted out of the school by the teacher only to re-enter through a side door to see my daughter. When I found this out I emailed him to let him know that myself and the staff at the school and daycare were not impressed. The email infuriated him which caused him to approach daycare officials. He produced a confusing paragraph in our agreement that he feels gives him the right to drop by to see our daughter when ever he wants. The daycare does not want to get involved and is confused by the whole thing.
I called my ex, who finally took my call after months of no contact. I had decided not to fight with him and let him know that I was ok to drop by the daycare to visit our daughter as long as he wasn't disrupting the program. He told me he got a lawyer and is going after me. I expressed to him that this was something we could work out ourselves. He would have nothing of it.
This weekend I gave him a letter drafted by me letting him know that I have enrolled our daughter for summer camp and require payment this week as I was required to pay the entire $1330 in full. I also did some research and drafted a letter asking for his proof of income for 2008. I provided mine to him with this letter, receipts for daycare, a copy of the simplified child support tables and the federal child support guidelines. During our conversation he expressed his concern that he was paying me too much so I thought I would resolve this by updating his support and his contribution to special expenses.
I was reading through our agreement and found that he has 30 days to pay me in regards to support and special expenses or I can file with FRO. He doesn't want me to use FRO. April 3rd will be 30 days since I requested. I was going to send him another letter this week reminding him that I will file with FRO if he doesn't pay me by April 3rd.
I guess what I am asking is; am I taking this too far? Is there another way to handle this?
P.S. I am still scared of him after what he did to me & I think he knows it.
I left my ex in 2005. I was a stay-at-home mom to our only child. I gave him everything he wanted, except our daughter. Needless to say when I told him it was over it got ugly and he threatened me with a knife which resulted in a criminal record for him. Violence was not the norm in our relationship.
Due to his large amount of lawyer bills he requested that we see a mediator and make a separation agreement which we did. We have both moved on with our lives. Everything was going well until he cut off all communication with me and started using his live-in girlfriend as a go-between. It was a gradual thing that started with him asking if she could pick up our daughter for his access weekend because he was running late and escalated to his gf calling me to talk about additional access she had negotiated with my 9yr old daughter. Although I was uncomfortable with her involvement I allowed her to be involved as long as my daughter was happy. I had deviated from our agreement on many occasions so that my ex could have extra time with our daughter & even gave up some of my weekends with her to accomidate his plans.
About 4 months ago the crying started. My daughter would cry when I dropped her off at her dad's and he wasn't there. She didn't want to stay with his gf. I attempted to call my ex to talk to him about my concerns but was never able to talk to him because she would intercept the calls. I had expressed to her my concern with her level in involvement but nothing changed. I finally had enough & emailed him to let him know that I was not happy with the lack of communication between us. I told him that I was going to follow our agreement to the letter and that all communication from his gf would not be entertained by me.
Shortly before I sent this email there had been a situation where he had dropped by the daycare my daughter attends to visit her. Because I have full custody of our daughter he is not listed as a guardian on any of the forms there. The staff were concerned with his presence and expressed it to me. The daycare is run out of my daughters school and he had been at the school to see her teacher, which I consented to. He was escorted out of the school by the teacher only to re-enter through a side door to see my daughter. When I found this out I emailed him to let him know that myself and the staff at the school and daycare were not impressed. The email infuriated him which caused him to approach daycare officials. He produced a confusing paragraph in our agreement that he feels gives him the right to drop by to see our daughter when ever he wants. The daycare does not want to get involved and is confused by the whole thing.
I called my ex, who finally took my call after months of no contact. I had decided not to fight with him and let him know that I was ok to drop by the daycare to visit our daughter as long as he wasn't disrupting the program. He told me he got a lawyer and is going after me. I expressed to him that this was something we could work out ourselves. He would have nothing of it.
This weekend I gave him a letter drafted by me letting him know that I have enrolled our daughter for summer camp and require payment this week as I was required to pay the entire $1330 in full. I also did some research and drafted a letter asking for his proof of income for 2008. I provided mine to him with this letter, receipts for daycare, a copy of the simplified child support tables and the federal child support guidelines. During our conversation he expressed his concern that he was paying me too much so I thought I would resolve this by updating his support and his contribution to special expenses.
I was reading through our agreement and found that he has 30 days to pay me in regards to support and special expenses or I can file with FRO. He doesn't want me to use FRO. April 3rd will be 30 days since I requested. I was going to send him another letter this week reminding him that I will file with FRO if he doesn't pay me by April 3rd.
I guess what I am asking is; am I taking this too far? Is there another way to handle this?
P.S. I am still scared of him after what he did to me & I think he knows it.