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Stategic game plan?

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  • Grace
    From Hubby's previous posts he has been preparing. I'd take as much financial information with me as possible. Then discuss with the lawyer what you want in terms of custody and access. Hopefully you will be working towards a shared parenting regime.

    Take lots of notes, during the meeting of what was said and what more info your lawyer will need.

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  • logicalvelocity
    Having strategies in place is good but when children are involved, you can ask for anything you want in regards to custody and access but ultimately its the best interest of the child that will prevail.

    When a couple separates and one parent is suddenly forced to see their child alternate weekends, etc rather on a daily basis, how is this the child's best interest protected. This is somewhat of a legal oxymoron as what I like to call it.

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  • Lisa
    I think it means that you put all your cards on the table and decide what ones you are willing to negotiate on and what ones you aren't. You start off big and then hopefully end up at ground level.

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  • hubby
    started a topic Stategic game plan?

    Stategic game plan?

    I'm curious about the process involved when client/lawyer get together to discuss and formulated a strategic game plan.

    Is this soley based on 'what do you want' , 'what are you willing to bargain with' and 'future implications'?

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