Lawyer tricks, this guy knows many loopholes and tricks.
I was served a 14B motion and in a separate document a 14A affidavit to support the 14B motion but the 14B motion may simply be able to stand on its own as what they are requesting is sometimes allowed.
The 14B motion is asking for a procedural change I do not want.
I called the counter clerk about page limits and they said it was 2 pages of narrative and 3 pages of evidence. I cannot find this in the notice to profession. They filed 2 pages of narrative and 9 pages of evidence.
The clerk stated they rejected the filing but they were very confusing. They said I could file a response so that when the other side refiled my response was already there and could go to a judge. How am I supposed to file a response if I didn't get served the 14a yet?
Does the 14B motion form get accepted?
Does the 14A narrative portion get accepted and the 14A evidence section rejected?
If I do not respond will the 14B go to a judge without an affidavit to be ruled on?
Lawyer tricks, this guy knows many loopholes and tricks.
I was served a 14B motion and in a separate document a 14A affidavit to support the 14B motion but the 14B motion may simply be able to stand on its own as what they are requesting is sometimes allowed.
The 14B motion is asking for a procedural change I do not want.
I called the counter clerk about page limits and they said it was 2 pages of narrative and 3 pages of evidence. I cannot find this in the notice to profession. They filed 2 pages of narrative and 9 pages of evidence.
The clerk stated they rejected the filing but they were very confusing. They said I could file a response so that when the other side refiled my response was already there and could go to a judge. How am I supposed to file a response if I didn't get served the 14a yet?
Does the 14B motion form get accepted?
Does the 14A narrative portion get accepted and the 14A evidence section rejected?
If I do not respond will the 14B go to a judge without an affidavit to be ruled on?