The exes lawyer is demanded a Section 30, I told them no.
Now the lawyer is demanding OCL come in and threatened a motion for one.
It might be they want my child to have a lawyer or they want it assessed.
1 month after our final settlement our child started living with me more than 60% now it is every night and the ex sees them 2 times a week. They were 11 now they are 13.
2 years later I am asking for back child support and custody.
There is conflict between me and the ex. The classic tug of war of 'willfully stupid, stupid, lying, making mistakes and withholding information' and me saying repeatedly asking for the same thing and having long messages. They stated I was controlling.
If I do not consent and a judge orders it does that mean I lose costs?
How do I know when the OCL or section 30 will be ordered?
Now the lawyer is demanding OCL come in and threatened a motion for one.
It might be they want my child to have a lawyer or they want it assessed.
1 month after our final settlement our child started living with me more than 60% now it is every night and the ex sees them 2 times a week. They were 11 now they are 13.
2 years later I am asking for back child support and custody.
There is conflict between me and the ex. The classic tug of war of 'willfully stupid, stupid, lying, making mistakes and withholding information' and me saying repeatedly asking for the same thing and having long messages. They stated I was controlling.
If I do not consent and a judge orders it does that mean I lose costs?
How do I know when the OCL or section 30 will be ordered?